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As we entered the house I heard people arguing, probably his parents. What they were arguing over was just silly.

"We both know that France should have won the world cup." His father said before pouting. "Well, Argentina won fair and square so suck it up."

I saw his mother roll her eyes, "You're being too childish!"
Skylar scoffed, "Oh yeah, like last year when the French won the World Cup instead of Spain? What a load of bullshit."

"Language."Mr. and Mrs. Solace chided.
"Sorry." She apologized while bowing her head.

She looked up and saw before flashing a bright smile. "Will you're here? Are you okay?" She leaned in for a hug but he avoided her and went up to what I assumed was his room.

We didn't even bother following him since it looked like he needed space to think. "Has he been like this all day?" Skylar asked me worriedly and all I could do was nod. "My, my who's this?" Mrs. Solace asked since she seemed to notice my appearance.

"This is Nico, he's one of Will's friends," Skylar said patting my back.

"Well aren't you a handsome fellow?" Mrs. Solace said as she cupped my face. "Mom!! Leave him be."

"Whatever, Where's Will anyway?" Mrs. Solace asked.

"In his room. Contemplating on life as usual." I hit Skylar on her forearm lightly. She rubbed her arm lightly trying to glare at me.

"Something happened at school, and he isn't feeling well."

They just looked at us weirdly clearly not getting anything, so I decided to tell them what happened. I know, I know. Probably not the best decision unless I wanna give them heart attacks, and trust me I know no parents want that to happen to Their child but they have to know.

"W-who would do such a thing?"

Motherly love, I guess, but I'm also scared of what that girl might do to Will again since she knows where he lives according to her being his ex. I'm pretty sure she knows where she lives.

"I think her name was..... hmm what was it again?" I tried my best to remember but her name just got pushed to the back of my brain. Luckily Skylar knew.

"It was Audrey, Audrey Peterson." She said her full name since her parents seemed to get lost. Suddenly they gasped loudly, scaring the heck out of me.

"How did she.....how?" Mrs. Solace asked shaken but all we did was shrug. "Come to think of it....how long has he been up there?" Mr. Solace asked.

"Oh, about....7mins." I filled them in on what happened and suddenly Their face paled. I wanted to ask what was wrong but they went up before I could

I followed them and was met with the scene of them banging on the door of what I assume is Will's room. "Are you okay?! Let us in!" They called.

Then there was a loud thud and we hear some grumbling. Once they finally got the door to open, we saw Will he looked worse than ever his parents and his sister, Skylar, looked worried.

"Will your cheek! It's throbbing!!" His mom screamed at him when she saw the bruise, which seemed to have turned purple. She must have slapped him hard.

Mrs. Solace used her finger to run over his cheek, he shivered in pain as she touched it. She stopped and turned to me slowly asking me what happened.

She told Skylar to get her the first aid box, so she scurried out and went for it.

She held out a piece of cloth to Will "Here let me take care of that, sweetheart." When he didn't move immediately she repeated herself "Let me help you."
Will shook his head. His mother sighed and sat down next to him and grabbed his jaw, pulling his cheek towards her. She started to apply ointment on it before anything else.

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