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{Nico's Pov}


Was the last thought that came into my head before, "Nicoooo. Hey, neeks.Wake up!" I opened my eyes slowly to adjust to the light before I looked at the source of the sound.

So it was just a dream? But it felt so real.

"Finally, you're awake."

I looked back at the noise only to find none other than Will Solace. "What the hell do you want?" I said trying to sink into the bed. But that can't happen unfortunately.

"Well, you missed school, so I got worried and it seems you just over slept." He must joking, there is no way I slept through school, I pointed at my wrist for him to tell me the time, luckily he understood.

"4:21pm." And just like that those words were ringing in my ears.

I rose up quickly before rushing to the bathroom, and behind me I heard Will's laughter. Bitch. I finished my necessities, I went out, with my clothes on if you're asking. Perverts.

Will was currently sitting on my bed with a book in hand titled 'Nursing 101' and it was a pretty big book. It seemed he didn't notice I was there as he was still reading and my eyes just couldn't tear away.

"A picture lasts longer you know." He suddenly said before closing his book and looking at me.

"What makes you think I was looking at you?"

"Maybe the fact the I felt you're eyes piercing through my skull." I just huffed before grabbing my phone and  going downstairs, Hazel was no where to be found so I just assumed she was with friends or frank.

I wasn't to hungry so I just went to the couch. I put on the television before going to Netflix to scroll through movies. I soon heard someone clear thier throat behind me, oh he's still here.

"Did you eat?" He said with raised eye brows, almost like if your mom asked 'Why are you late?'

I just shook my head and oh what a mistake. He glared at me before going to the kitchen and gesturing for me to follow. I stood up cautiously before following him. He looked in the fridge before taking out some left over pasta from last night. He put it in the microwave and waited.

He say next to me and just rested his cheek on his palm before looking at me. I just looked back at him and we were just in a staring contest.

"Sooooo. When are we getting married?"


"Great, you're paying attention. You have to start eating more, you're getting thin, I'm pretty sure there is more meat on a dong bone than on you." As much as I wanted to fire back I had nothing to say.

The microwave dinged ending the silence, Will got up and went to get it out. He came back with it on a tray with a fork in hand. We went back to the living room and sat on the couch.

He reached for the remote but I was faster, trust me I am not going to watch some rom-com while I eat my pasta okay?

He just glanced at me before shaking his head. I quickly went to the horror section before he could object and pressed on a movie I wanted to watch for a while but never got the chance, 'Annabelle'. I know right? How haven't I watched it yet? I don't know.

It took Will a while to register what just happened, "Dude what the fuck?!"

"Whoa, look at you all wordy."

"I'm in no mood for a creepy ass doll."

"Oh calm down. At least we aren't having a marathon on Chucky. So it's either this or that."

That seemed to keep him quiet, he just folded his arms and pouted as it begun, he suddenly got up and went to the garage door. He soon came back with Mrs. O'Leary behind him.

He took a seat on the carpet and was soon focused on the movie.

Every jump scare that came he would cling unto Mrs. O'Leary and she would whimper. I am pretty sure he's gonna kill her. I set my empty plate on the coffee table beside the couch and got on the carpet with Will.

Soon another jump scare came on and he held unto her for his dear life. I pulled him close to me and just continued to look at the screen. I felt him tense up but soon he relaxed.

I have to say, he has a really strong grip, for every jump scare he would squeeze me so hard that I couldn't feel my waist. When the movie was done he was shaking, I almost felt bad. Almost.

Mrs. O'Leary was fast asleep and outside was dark, soon something clicked in my head.

"Wait, didn't you say you went to school? Did anything happen?" He looked up at me before smiling.

"Well I'm glad you asked. Today was quite interesting, people just kept coming up to me asking if I was fine or if I was hurt. It was pretty weird." I figured they would after what happened with Audrey.

I just let it go and tried to get up but I couldn't really move. "I can't really move, so bear with me here." He said before putting his head on my chest.

My stomach felt warm but I couldn't really point out why.

Soon I heard a crash come from the garage, but Mr. O'Leary is right here, so what could it be? "Wait here a second, I'll go check it out." I pulled away with effort before making my way towards the garage door.

"You showed me one of the scariest movies and you're telling me you learnt NOTHING?! He screeched with wide eyes.

"Oh calm down, I'll be back."

I entered the garage and it just looks like there was too much force on the bowl of nuts and bolts so it toppled over. Hmm I have an idea, and I'm sure Will won't like it.

{Will's Pov}

He was away for a while and I was starting to get scared but I'm sure he's fine.

"Ahhhhhh." I suddenly heard him scream and now I know something wrong. I went towards the garage door after picking up a vase on the way.

I slowly opened the door to see Nico on sitting on the ground with crossed legs. "Ahhh, the pain, the agony." He said with a smirk on his face before bursting into laughter.

"Bitch." I said before turning back to the living room.

"Ooo, feisty are we?" He said before bursting into more laughter.

I wonder how I fell for this fool.

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