XX: The End

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{3rd Pov}

Nico had his hands wrapped around Will's neck as he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. At this point, you would have that Nico would chicken out of it, but boy were you wrong.

I for one know as a fact that you don't know that Nico had waited for this moment since the movie incident. He never wanted to admit his feelings toward the blonde, but at this point it was inevitable.

And he sure was glad that the feeling was mutual, at least he didn't have to go through heartbreak again. They pulled apart to catch a breath and just stared each other in the eyes, getting lost in them.

Nico let out a little giggle as little tears managed to escape his eye. Will wiped them as he flashed a smile, dull, but a smile non the less.

"Are you okay?" Nico asked as he just recollected what had happened recently. He cupped Will's face in his palm as he stroked his cheek lovingly.

Will just gave a subtle nod, "I would never let her get to me, plus I'm saving 'it' for you." Nico flushed red before he lightly hit him in the chest.

How can he be so playful after what just happened, was what was going through Nico's head at the moment? But if he was happy that was all that mattered.

He didn't let it get to him and that is what Nico admired about him, even he knew when a breakdown was necessary since he had been there so many times and Will looked like he needed that as of now.

Nico brought Will's head to his chest and whispered, " It's okay Will, just let it out. I know you want to."

Will just froze in shock before tears started to build up in his eye. He just wept all his worries away, even he knew that keeping something in was bad.

Nico just sat there as he ran his fingers through Will's hair, muttering sweet nothings to calm him down. Soon enough Will's breathing became steady and he was fast asleep.

He lay Will down on the bed softly before placing a soft kiss on his forehead. He looked down at the Hickeys made by Audrey and that just fueled his anger.

'How dare she lay her crazy ass self on my Will'.

Pause, hold on, Wait a minute, hold the cap. Did I just say my Will?

Nothing but red painted along Nico's cheeks as he thought back to what he said. Just because they kissed does not make them a thing right?

He shook his head and walked out right after making sure Will was fine of course. He went down the stairs to be met with Octavian and Audrey being cuffed by police officers.

He went to stand by a shaking Naomi and a fuming Apollo.

"Hey, Aunt Naomi? Are you okay?" He asked with worry at the woman who he thought of as a mother figure even if they knew each other for a few weeks.

Naomi looked at him with tears before engulfing him in a tight hug, "Thank you so much, Nico, Thank you."

He had no idea what he had done but he accepted it nonetheless.

{The next day}

Audrey and Octavian were charged with breaking and entering, sexual assault, excessive bullying, and attempted murder. Nothing could express how much relief Nico felt when he realized he could walk through the hallways with pride.

No more fear as he made his way to his locker and no more gut feeling that he would die that day.

He was more than happy.

And he was ecstatic when Will had recovered and the first thing he did was kiss him.

He realized that he and Will could be a thing, and he was not let down when Will asked him to be his boyfriend.

It all seemed too good to be true and he finally thought that the universe had decided to take mercy upon him and give him a normal happy life.

Was this too good to be true?

Was he just dreaming?

No, it had to be real, it felt too real and for once he felt wanted, appreciated, and dare he say it......loved.

"Yo neeks, wanna go to the new McDonald's that opened down the street?" Will asked as he came down the stairs.

They were currently in Nico's house since Hazel was at Frank's. Skylar would have been there but she was busy with her new girlfriend Tracy.

Yep, they got together, but that is far from the point. Nico looked up at Will with a sparkle of newfound life in his eyes. "Wouldn't miss it, so is this a date?"

Will just smirked and back-hugged him, "Let's say it is." He kissed Nico on the cheeks and went to put on his shoes.

Nico followed behind him, they interlocked hands as they walked down the street to their destination.

And to think this all started with a toxic relationship on one end and misunderstandings on the other.

"I love you neeks." He said smiling down at him.

Nico just paused and let out a smile of his own, "I love you too, so, so much."


                                         ~°The End°~

A/N: I have finally ended the story, I never thought I would have but here we are. I'm sorry if it was too fast but I had other plans.

See you in another story.


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