The beginning....{✓}

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A very beautiful boy was sleeping on his bed, his face was looking so soft and beautiful. Just then his alarm clock ringed, waking him up. He smiled and get up, but as he see the alarm clock he wide his eyes...

Tae (hurriedly): oh god..! I woke up late today. I need to hurry.

Saying that he hurriedly went to bathroom and get fresh up and did his morning routine. He get dress up and went downstairs. His mom was making breakfast. He smiled and hug her from behind...

Tae: Good morning my beautiful mom.
Mrs Kim (smile and kiss Tae's check): morning baby..!
Tae: let me help you in making breakfast. I am sorry I woke up late today.
Mrs Kim: Tae, I knowingly let you sleep. And I make the breakfast already. Don't pressure yourself baby. Your mom is this much young to be able to make breakfast, don't make me old..
Tae (chuckled): then let me set up the table pretty and young women.

Tae went to dinning room and arrange the table. Just then Mr Kim and Jhop also come there.

Tae (smile): Good morning dad, hyungie.
Jhop: morning bear.
Mr Kim: morning Tae.

Then everyone sit on their respective seats and start the breakfast. After taking some bites Mr Kim said...

Mr Kim: Tae, today's breakfast isn't made by you..? It's taste different.
Tae: dad, today mom prepare the breakfast.
Mr Kim: oh that's why it's taste like this.
Mrs Kim (glare): taste like what honey..?
Mr Kim (nervous): o..oh.. t...taste so good.

Mr Kim said nervously and both Tae and Jhop laughed at their parents. Then Jhop get up and said...

Jhop: ok everyone, I am getting late. So I am going.
Tae (worriedly): but hyung your breakfast....?
Jhop (smile and pat Tae's head): it's ok Tae, I will eat in cafetria. Take care of yourself. Bye mom dad.
Tae (smile): you also take care of yourself.

Jhop smile and nodded and then went away. Mr and Mrs Kim smile at their children's love. Then Tae also get up and said...

Tae: ok mom dad, I am also leaving for college.
Mr kim: ok let me drop you Tae.

Both Mr Kim and Tae also went to their respective work, aftet bidding bye to Mrs Kim who also went to complete her household chores.

A very handsome boy was sleeping on his bed away from all the tension of the world. Just then a shouting wake him up, which was coming from downstairs...


The boy only groned and get up from his bed. Well it was not new for Jungkook to wake up like this. He went to bathroom, complete his morning routine and get dress up. Aftet that he come downstairs. He found Jin was setting the table and Namjoon was sitting on the sofa.

Jk: Good morning Eomma Appa!
Jin (sadly): morning kook.
Namjoon: morning son.
Jk: where is jiminie and Yoongi hyung..?

Namjoon look at Jin who just look down and said nothing. He muster up and said..

Namjoon: Jimin try to stop Yn for breakfast and you know her, she shout on him. He is in his room, Yoongi take him to his room to make him calm down.

Jk inhale deeply and just nodded. He sit on his seat on the dinning table. Namjoon also come and sit on the head of the house chair.

With Jimin.....

Jimin was just crying silently, hugging Yoongi. Yoongi pat his back and kiss his forehead.

Yoongi: calm down mochi. You know her so please don't take her talking seriously.
Jimin (hiccuping): but yooni...there must be my mistake. All these years I can't able to win her heart. I am not a good son in law for this family..i...

Before he can complete his sentence, Yoongi pull him in a deep kiss. The kiss was so passionate and demanding. After breaking the kiss, Yoongi look in Jimin's eyes and said...

Yoongi: never said that again Jimin. You know you're best son in law for this house. You keep this house unite. And you know that there's no one who can take your place in my heart. This heart belongs to you.

Jimin shyly nodded and smiled looking at Yoongi who smile back and boop his nose.

Yoongi: let's go, everyone must be waiting for us.
Jimin (smile): let's go.

Both smile and come downstairs. They also sit on there place on the dinning table. Then everyone start eating. Just then Yn come there with fumming in anger. She was about to go upstairs, but Jimin asked her....

Jimin: what happen Yn..? Do you....
Yn (irritated): Just shut your mouth please. You don't need to show your fake worry.
Jin (stern voice): he is your brother in law Yn, mind your language.
Yn: please Eomma don't interfere in my matter. You know nothing except co...
Namjoon (cold voice): control your toung Yn.

Yn Just look at her Appa and then went to her room. Jin stand up and said...

Jin: you all eat, I am done. I just need to check something.

Saying that he went away. Jimin look at Namjoon and said..

Jimin (low voice): Appa, I think you should check on Eomma. He must be feeling so bad.

Namjoon just nodded and went to check Jin. Kook and Yoongi also get up and went to their work aftet bidding bye to Jimin who went to complete house chores.

Namjoon come to his bedroom and found Jin crying silently sitting on the bed. He had pressed his hand on his mouth to not to make any noise. Namjoon's heart clunch seeing his love like this. He slowly approach Jin and hug him. Jin flinch and look at Namjoon and hurriedly wipe his tears...

Jin: didn't go to your office..?
Namjoon: don't hide your tears from me Jinnie. I will always support you no matter what.
Jin (crying): I failed as a mother joonie. Yn is like this because of me. I am a bad mother.
Namjoon (hug him): never say like this Jinnie. You're the best ever mother my children can ever get. Look all of them are successful and in good position, both sons are well mannered because of you Jinnie. You teach them how to be a gentleman. And about Yn, I know one day she will apologize to you. One day she will realise her mistake. Now please don't cry Jinnie.

Jin smile at Namjoon who smile back. Just then Jin realise that he is hugging Namjoon, he gently push Namjoon and free himself. Namjoon step back and smile sadly. Well this is not new, in all these months, Jin make some distance between them. He don't like physical touch, Namjoon try to don't mind it but sometimes his desire to touch his husband (wife) make him hurt. But he never said anything because he don't want to make Jin uncomfortable.

Namjoon: ok then, I am leaving for office. Bye
Jin (low voice): amm. Ok take care and try to come back early, I need to discuss something.

Namjoon nodded and went to his office. Jin went downstairs to help Jimin in work. Well they're most richest family in Korea but Jin like to cook for his family. So they don't have maids for cooking and for other works like cleaning washing they have maids.

To be continued....

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