University.....(1) {✓}

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It was a beautiful shiny day, both Tae and kook were sleeping. Sun shine fall on Tae waking him up. He wake up and found himself under his husband only in a plane white shirt. He blushed madly remembering last night. He slowly get up but immediately flinched due to pain, then he slowly get up and went to fresh up. When he come out, JK was still sleeping so he went to kitchen to help Jimin hyung in making breakfast.

When he reached to kitchen slightly limping, he found out Jimin already making breakfast. He also start helping him. Just then Jimin ask....

Jimin (worriedly): are you fine Tae..? Why are you limping..?
Tae (shyly look down): i.. I hyung amm..i I fall down.
??(smirk): Yes he fall down on kook oppa and he devour him all night. Seriously Jimmie they stop their love session in 3 at morning.

Tae become tomato and hide his face in his palm, Yn and Jimin start laughing. Tae cutely glared at them...

Tae: yeah you both stop teasing me..!
Yn/min (smirk): otherwise what our baby bear will do..? Look at your neck, it's totally filled with love bites.
Tae (smirk): wait and watch what I can do..!

After that Tae took the flour and throw it on Jimin and Yn who gasped at sudden attack. Now both Yn and Jimin were looking like ghost and Tae was laughing hard. Yn and Jimin also took the flour and throw it on Tae, now it start a fight. Whole kitchen was covered in flour and vminyn were totally cover in flour. They stop panting and look at each other. Everything was silent, they were glaring at each other but then suddenly they break into giggle. But what they don't know is that namjin and yoonkook were looking at them adoringly. They're happy to see their family like this after a long time....

Yn (laughing): oh God, look at you two, you both are looking like ghost from horror movies hahahahaha...!
Tae(sassily): oh and you're looking like heroine..? Look at yourself first. Even an adult can also get scared of you..!
Yn (playful glare): you Taetae...!

But suddenly she and Jimin notice Ron coming in kitchen, they both immediately hide under kitchen rack, but Tae can't because till then Ron had entered in kitchen...

Ron (shocked): what the hell... wait.. Taehyung..?
Tae: do you see anyone else here..?
Ron (smirk): no but what happened to you, let me help you in cleaning, come closer..!

Ron took a step closer to Tae, but Tae back away and said..

Tae: you don't need to help me Ron.
Ron (grab Tae's hand): oh come on baby, there's no one here, let me please you. You know I can give pleasure better that that bastard husband of your.....

Before Ron can complete, Tae punch his face with other hand, and then roll Ron and twisted his hand who scream in pain...

Tae (deep voice): I am warning you Mr Ron, never ever say anything bad about my husband, I'll really kill you if you even dare to lay your dirty eyes on him. (twist more making Ron scream louder)..stay away from my family..!

Tae leave Ron who immediately get away from there, Jimin and Yn come out from their hiding place...

Jimin (impressed): wohh Tae, you look so hot while fighting..!
Tae (done face): seriously jiminie hyung.... are you complementing me or roasting me..?
Jimin (naughty smile): both..!

Both Jimin and Tae laugh, but they notice Yn's saddened face...

Tae: what happened Yn..?
Yn (sadly): i.. I can't believe I love a person like Ron. How can my choice can be this cheap...? I even hurt my parents for him.
Jimin (softly): Yn sometime we made some bad choices, but that doesn't mean that we're bad. It's just what our hearts want most at that time. And let me tell you that no one is perfect in this world.

Tae smile and hug yn tightly and Jimin also join them..

Tae (gently): everyone have their flaws, but that doesn't mean you stop living. You're lucky you realize your mistake. Now everyone have forgive you. So start from beginning.
Yn (smile tearly): you both are best thing oppa's ever have given me. I'm very glad to have you both in my life as a friend and guide. I love you so much.
Vmin (smile): we love you too little ynie.

Just then namjin and yoonkook enter there and ask in a stern voice, making trio glup in nervousness...

Jin (stern): what is all this..? Who makes all these mess...?
Tae (nervous but puppy eyes): Eomma, actually I did it.
Jimin & Yn (puppy eyes): Eomma but we also have part in this.
Jin (smile): you naughty children and you puppy eyes can win anyone's heart.... go and change. I'll prepare a quick breakfast.

The trio nodded and went to change, just then Ron come out of his room and went outside while limping. Yoongi look at him and said..

Yoongi: can't believe Tae beat him like this.
Jin (worries): but what if he try to do something with ta..
Jk (dark voice): then he will invite his death.

Everyone shiver when JK said that. Jk's anger was really something you never wanted to subjected to. He became devil himself when he get angry and everyone know this.

Just then vmin and Yn come there, they start eating and talking about random things. Just then Yn said..

Yn: from when you're joining college Tae. I think your holidays  were over yesterday...? So will come to university today..?
Jin: why not..? He must attend it. It's not good to skip classes.

Tae said nothing and just nodded, his all focus was on JK, who said nothing and get up..

Jk: ok everyone, I am going.

Saying that JK went away, but Tae also get up....

Tae: actually he forgets his lunch, i.. I will just give him this..!

Saying this Tae run after JK, JK was about to sit in car when Tae's voice stop him. He look at Tae who come there and said in a shy voice... 

Tae (nervous and shy): am..k..kookie...
Jk (softly): what happened Tae..?
Tae: didn't said anything about my rejoining university.
Jk (rise an eyebrow): so you want my permission..? (Tae nodded his head)...and what if I denied..?
Tae (look in jk's eyes): then I'll drop my university. I'll never something that will displease you.

Jk pined Tae in car, holding Tae's hands above his head with one one hand and other hand was squeezing Tae's waist just above his waist chain...

Jk (huskily): I'll never want you to stop your success for me Tae. I want to be the reason behind your success, not the reason behind your falier. But I surly want something in return.
Tae (breathing heavily due to closeness): what..?
Jk (bite Tae's earlobe): come on a date with me tonight Mrs Jeon. Will you..?

Tae just nodded as he was trying to suppress his moan, JK look at him then attach his lips with Tae's. Both start kissing, JK took Tae's bottom lips between his teeth and bite it softly, chewing on it. Tae moan at the intensity. Tae placed his hand around JK neck and pull his closer while JK put his both hand on Tae's waist pulling him closer. There was no space between them but suddenly they got interpted by....

??: You know they invented rooms for make out.

Both look back and found Yn looking at them with a smirk on her face. Jk smile and peck Tae's lips last time..

Jk: take care of yourself baby. And don't stress yourself with university's work.
Tae (peck jk's check): you too take care of yourself. And don't overwork.

After bidding his bye, JK went to his office leaving Tae and Yn alone. Yn look at Tae who look back with questioning gaze.

To be continued....

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