Walk in the rain....{✓}

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Tae reached his college and bid his bye to his father who went to his office after dropping Tae here. He went inside the college to his locker room, he was taking out his books and notes but someone push him and pinned him in the locker and start sniffing his neck...

??: You're smelling so good baby.
Tae (scared): l.. leave me k.. Kai..
Kai (smirk): why should I huh...?

Before Tae can say anything, bell ringed Tae pushed kai and run to his classroom. He was scared look back even.


Son of the owner of the college

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Son of the owner of the college.
Like Tae for his body and beauty.
Bully Tae.
Tae can't take any action because he is son of the owner, and Tae is studying here with schlorship and even Jhop is a professor in this collage. So he can't take any action against Kai as he don't want to endanger his scholarship or his hyung's job. So he bear everything silently and always try to avoid Kai as much possible.

Tae come to his classroom and sit on the front chair. He take out his book and start studying. Just then with a loud thud, door opned. Yn and her boyfriend enter. No-one said anything as she is one of the Jeon. Then teacher come and start teaching. Tae was concentrating on the lecture. At the end, teacher ask a question and only Taehyung can able to answer her, so as punishment for not paying attention in class, teacher said that there will be a test and then she leaves the classroom making all the students except Tae grone in frustration. Tae smile because he already had prepared this chapter. Then he went home as he don't have anymore class today.

Jk's drive stop the car and a guard come and open the door for him. He enter in the office with a cold, emotionless face but he was looking so handsome and hot. His aura was screaming dominance. He straightly went towards his office. And start doing his work. Just then his secretary enter in office with a coffee and some files.

Mr Martin: Good morning Mr Jeon. Here is your coffee and some files which need you review and signature.
Jk (nodded): thank you Mr Martin.
Mr Martin (smile): it's my duty sir. And I want to inform you that you're nominated for Scale up award 2022-23 and you've to attend it.
Jk: Mr Martin I already told you that I am not interested in attending.
Mr Martin: but sir out of five award you're already nominated for fours.
Jk (exhale): ok I will attend.

Mr Martin bow to him and then get back to his work. Jk was working on his working totally focusing. 

Mr Martin....

He was a simple European middle age man. And he was secratary of Jk from the starting of his company. He is really hardworking and never disappoint Jk in anyway. But the wrost person is someone who have two face.

It was evening time, Jin was sitting in living room. He was deeply in his thoughts but then he hear door opening voice and get himself back to present. He see Namjoon was there, smiling at him. He also smile back and went to him. Namjoon hug him but he try to pull away, Namjoon notice and smile at him hiding his sadness and desire.

Namjoon (smile): so why my Jinnie want me to come home early..?
Jin: I will tell you but first go fresh up and till then I will take out some snacks.

Namjoon nodded and went to his room and Jin prepared some milkshake and sandwiches till then. Then Namjoon come downstairs in his casual clothes and both sit on the couch.

Jin (nervously): I was thinking something about kook.
Namjoon: what..? Is everything is alright..?
Jin: kook is successful now and he is of age also, so I am thinking about his marriage.
Namjoon: ok. Then we should start looking some boys and girls for him. It will take time to find someone for him.
Jin (smile): Thank you joonie. I am very thankful to you.
Namjoon (smile): then let me hug my wifey till my heart satisfied.

Namjoon said and gently hug Jin who don't hug back but also don't pull back. After sometime Namjoon back away with a beautiful dimple smile.

Namjoon: it's been long since we hug like this. Well leave it, I think I am going to meet my friends. I need to ask them to look for a good bride for kook. Do you want to come with me...?
Jin: n..no. I am going for a walk.
Namjoon (smile): ok, but it will rain soon so bring a umbrella with you. And come home safely.

Then Namjoon went away. Jin stand up and leave the mansion. He was walking aimless, it was getting dark and cloudy but he don't care anything. His mind was repeating only namjoon's sentence...it's been long since we hug like this ...he remember namjoon's sad eyes clearly. He was feeling so guilty and sad at the same time. Just then it start raining. But he don't care and sat on a bench letting the rain drench him. He don't know when he start crying. But he let all his tears of disappointment, sadness, guilt fall from his eyes.

Tae was studying from the afternoon, he prepared for the test and already revised twice. He look out of the window and smile. It was raining. He always love rain. He always say that anyone who think that sunshine is pure happiness, has never danced in rain. From the childhood Tae love rain. He went downstairs and asked him mom...

Tae (pleading voice): mom, can I go for a walk please..!
Mrs Kim: but it's raining Tae. You will catch cold.
Tae: I will take umbrella with me and I will return early so please..

Mrs Kim smile and nodded at his cute yet beautiful son, who smile and immediately take an umbrella and leave the house.

It was raining, Tae was feeling so happy and fresh walking in rain. The rhythm of rain was so peaceful and claming. He was walking looking here and there. But suddenly he noticed a person sitting on a bench with head hung low. Tae take a closer look and found that man was quite beautiful but tears were falling from his eyes. He never saw him here before but still he approached him. He come and sit quietly besides the man, and shading them both from his umbrella. The man look up and found an eternal beauty sitting beside him. Tae smile and said...

Tae: rain is so beautiful isn't it..? So calming and peaceful.
Man (sadly): but people say that when sky cry, it's tears come down in the form of rain. How can tears be beautiful.
Tae (softly): well, it's ok to cry sometimes, tears are liquid prayers. They reach to God fastly then words. And maybe sky is crying because of happiness, we can never know.

That man chuckle slightly, but his voice was hoarse from crying. Tae look at him and then look at the falling drops of rain.

Tae:  did you ever dance in rain...?
Man: hmm..no. I never get chance to dance in rain.
Tae: then let's dance. It's a beautiful feeling you know.
Man (shocked): you're asking me to dance..? I am your mother's age.
Tae: a person can never get old enough to stop dancing in rain. Let's dance..!

Tae took that man's hand and drag him up and start dancing while singing loudly. That was awkward first but then that man also start dancing and singing. Both were in their own world. After fifteen minutes, both again sit on the bench while panting.

Man (smiling): it was interesting. I never danced like this.
Tae (smile): so now tell me, why are you sad..?
Man (smile): I am having some issues with my husband. But he never complained, just bear whatever I do. I feel so guilty and sad. I want to change but I can't.
Taw (smile): you know, he can't change you because he love you but you can change yourself because you love him. Just talk with him. Try to tell your issue and he will surely understand.
Man (smile): it's funny how a young boy giving me advice on relationship.
Tae (smile): age never matter for advice. It's words that do. Ok so I going hope you solve your problem and always stay happy with your husband. It was nice to meeting you.
Man: Jin... That's my name.
Tae (giggling): sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I am Kim Taehyung. Ok bye Mr Jin.

Tae smile and wave and went towards his home. Jin smile softly and look at sky. He also stand up and start waking towards his mansion with a new hope to start over. And with a new thought to bring change in his family......

To be continued......

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