Yn's turning point....{✓}

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Both Tae and kook look shocked. Ron was standing there in front of them, with a very kind smile. Jk was the first one to overcome the shock. He coldly look at Ron and said....

Jk (coldly): what are you doing here Ron..?
Ron (gently): I come here to ask your help hyung. I know your family see me as a bad boy but I truly love Yn. So I want your help to prove your family that I really love Yn.
Jk (rise eyebrows): and why You think that I'll help you..?
Ron (smile): hyung please, I really need this help.

Jk was about to say something but Tae put his hand on his shoulder and said to Ron....

Tae: Ron if you truly love Yn, then we will gladly help you.
Ron (look at Tae): thank you hyung.

Jk notice how Ron was looking at Tae with dirty eyes. He cluntch his fist but said calmly....

Jk: ok Ron, we'll talk further other time, right now I've date with my wife. So please excuse us.
Ron (smile): thank you hyung. I'm very glad for your help.

Ron said and went away with a smirk which wasn't go unnoticed by Tae and kook. Jk look at Tae and said...

Jk: why you agree to help him...?
Tae: we don't know anything about his plan so it's better to stay close to him as possible. By this we can find any clue or evidence. And behind back we can research about him.
Jk (impressed): well you sure are well minded. But leave all this, I need to take my wifey on a date. Let's go.

Jk said last sentence intensely making Tae blush. Jk took Tae's hand and went outside. As they pass employees, JK put his hand on Tae's waist, Tae bite his lips to hide his smile after knowing jk's possessive side. Both sit in the car and JK start driving..

Jk: where you want to go..? I mean what's your favorite place..?
Tae (smile excitedly): take right then left, and you'll be there. It's a beautiful garden. 

Jk follow tae's lead and then they reach in a beautiful garden. It was so beautiful and fresh. Tae took jk's hand and lead him on a bench...

Tae (smile): sit here, I'm going to bring something for you.

Jk just nodd, Tae went away in the nearby shop. Jk look at Tae who was smiling and talking to the shop owner. Jk still can't believe that a person like Tae is his wife. Who love him and his family so much. The way Tae handle everything yesterday night was so admirable. Just then Tae come there with a box in his hand. In the box, there was so tasty looking snacks.

Tae forward it and said

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Tae forward it and said...

Tae: here eat it. It's special dish of this area. It's so tasty.
Jk (confusedly look at the dish): I have to eat it without chopsticks..?

Tae look at JK with so done look and pick up one piece...

Tae: there is the problem with rich people. Don't know how to eat without chopsticks. Here let me feed you.

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