University....(2) {✓}

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Yn look at Tae and said...

Yn: ok, let's go and get ready.  We'll go to university together.
Tae (shocked) : you want to go to university with me..? But what about Ron..? And about your friends..?
Yn (smile): he'll be in office today. He need to do something. And friends..(smirk) ... it's better to have an enemy who slap you in the face than a friend who stab you in the back. Well leave it, let's go..!

Tae nodded and then he get ready. They bid their bye to namjin and yoonmin and both went to university.

Now Yn went to get something and Tae was standing near locker room. But suddenly Kai come there and try to pin Tae on the locker, but this time Tae push him harshly...

Tae (angry): how many times I've to told you not to come closer to me..? Listen Mr Kai, I get married. I've my husband so just leave me alone.
Kai (angry): HOW DARE TOU BITCH...

Kai was about to slap Tae but a hand stop him in middle. Kai look back angrily but get shocked seeing JEON YN. He was about to Tae something but Yn push him and slapped him hardly due to which he fall down.

Yn (cold voice): how dare you to rise your voice on my brother in law..? Do you even know who is he..?
Kai (shocked): Yn...why are you supporting this poor boy..?
Yn: well this poor boy is Queen of business world, he is wife of business King Jeon Jungkook. And how dare you to talk to him like that..?

After hearing this everyone gasped loudly except Tae and Yn. Kai start to shake in fear and nervousness. He look at Tae and said..

Kai: l.. look Mrs Jeon, I'm ready sorry. I didn't know who you are. Please forgive, I'll never disturb you again.
Tae:(smile softly) it's ok Kai hyung. But please don't bully anyone from now on. You know many students do a lot to get a seat in this university, it's their dream. But your bully can harm them not physically but mantelly,It may force them to leave this university, leave their dream job and career so please try to understand.

Kai nodded and Tae went away with Yn. Well all other students were still in shock. Tae come to his class, and sit on front seat. He even forced Yn to sit with him because he know that Yn was going to sit on back and then fall asleep in middle of lucture.

Tae (glare at Yn): if you didn't pay attention, then I will tell your oppa.
Yn (gasp): yeah Taetae.., you can't do that. Please this will be so boring. I can't handle these lecture, it's like sweet lullaby to me. Please have mercy on me.
Tae: what about you pay attention in today's lecture and then I'll make you some tasty cup cake in evening..?
Yn (pout): ok...!

All classmates were shocked seeing Yn behave so cutely, after all she is the bad girl of the university. But today they're getting shock and shock. Just then principal enter in the class, all students stand up in respect.

Principal: sit down everyone. Today I am introducing you all to your new math's professor. Here this is Mr Jeon Jimin, your new professor from now on.

Both Yn and Tae look at Jimin with wide eyes and open mouth. Jimin secretly smirk and wink at them and then start his class as principal was already gone....

Jimin: so everyone, it's nice to meeting you all. Now let's start the class.

Then Jimin start teaching. His teaching was way better then previous professor. All the students can easily understand. After class Tae and Yn went to cafeteria.

Both sit on a table and bring their food, just then Jimin come there...

Jimin: mind if I sit here...?
Tae (sarcastic smile): no professor. Please do sit.

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