Game over....{✓}

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Mr Martin laughed seeing the Jeons reaction. But what bother him was jk's reaction. He wasn't looking shocked at all. Instead he have a deadly smirk on his face making him slightly scared....

Mr Martin: w..why are you smirking Jeon, gone mad because of your defeat..?
Jk (smirk): you played well Lee, but you forget that I'm not Namjoon who will leave you alive, you forget that it's Jeon Jungkook who's handling the company now.
Mr Martin (confused): stop playing riddles Jeon. Tell clearly what you're talking about.
Jk (smirk): you'd lose your mind trying to understand mine Mr Martin.

Just then they hear police siren, Ron and Lee Hansu (Mr Martin) look at each other bewildered. Ron grab Yn harshly by her hair and put knife on her neck....

Ron (threatening): tell the police back away otherwise I wi......

But before he can complete his sentence, and hard punch landed on his face. Everyone look and found a furious Jhop punching and kicking Ron mercilessly.

Jhop (angry): how dare you to even look at my love with these dirty eyes of yours. Today you invite your death by hurting my ynie...!

Just then police enter and held Jhop from punching him. The police arrest Mr Lee Hansu and Ron, along with some of their men.

Police officer (bowing to JK): thank you so much for your cooperation Mr Jeon.
Jk (smile): thanks to you too officer.

Then police officer take his leave along with his team members. All Jeon look at JK with confusing eyes....

Yoongi: explain..!
Jk (signed): when that day Tae visited my office, someone try to steal company's secret information. The CCTV clip was deleted but Tae had re-stored it. In that clip, someone was helping Ron in stealing, and I noticed his rings. And just same rings I noticed on Mr Martin's hand. I have my suspicion so I check his background and like this I find about his reality. When Jimin hyung called me, I already think that this could happen so I contacted with police before.
Tae (confused): but we're together all the time, when you contacted police..?
Jk (smirk): while tracing GPS, I send the files about Mr Martin to police. It's easy for them to trace the location.
Jhop (smile while holding Yn): you're truly a genius. The label of King of business world suits you jungkookshii..!

Yn also nodded, but then she realized that she is hugging Jhop in front of everyone, she try to broke free but Jhop tighten his hold around her. She look at him and wishper....

Yn (nervously): leave me, everyone is watching us..?
Jhop (smile): so what..? There's no reason to stop hugging your girlfriend just because everyone is watching. If they're interested, they've their own wives to hug.
Jin (laughing): no one is objecting on your love, but let's go home first.
Yn (shocking): you all know about us..?
Namjoon (smile): Jhop come to us and ask permission from us to make you his wife.

Yn look at Jhop look away being embarrassed, Yn smile slightly and lean on Jhop who pick her up in bridal style and went away with everyone leaving Tae and kook alone.

Tae look at kook who was looking at him, and then he launched himself in Jk's arms. He hug Jk so tightly pressing their body so close. Jk also hug him back with same passion...

Tae (crying): I'm so happy everything is fine. Now everyone is save with no more fear of anyone. Thank you Kookie, it's all possible just because of you. Thank you so much.
Jk (smile): it's all become possible because of us.. you're the one who had re store the deleated clip and from there everything was started. And thank you Tae, for coming in my life, for reuniting my broken family. For accepting me and my family with whole heart.

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