The end.....{✓}

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Tae was getting ready, he was a little bit nervous because it's his first time attending any function as Mrs Jeon Jungkook. After getting ready he look at himself in front of mirror. He was looking so beautiful and pretty. Today he try his best to look good... He slightly smile and just then door open and JK enter in the room. Tae wide his eyes looking at his husband who was looking like a Greek god so hot and handsome.

Tae's look

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Tae's look....

Jungkook's look

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Jungkook's look....

Jk come forward and pull Tae toward himself by his waist. Tae put his hands on jk's chest. Jk make Tae look up by putting his finger on tae's chin...

Jk: you're looking so beautiful Mrs Jeon.
Tae (shyly smile): thank you Mr Jeon.

Jk peck Tae's forehead and then they went downstairs and from there they went to the hotel where the award ceremony was held as all other Jeon's were already left.

They reach there, Tae took a deep breath as he was looking nervous. Jk notice it and held Tae's hand...

Jk (smile): I'll be there with you Tae. We're together.

Tae nodded and both come out of the car, in no time they were surrounded by Media and reporters. Jk held Tae's waist, pull him closer and then they pose for some photos. Everyone were shocked seeing the young couple, they both look so good and perfect with each other.

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