Truth reveal...{✓}

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Sunlight fall Tae's face  waking him up. He smile and wake up but then he feel some pressure on his body and then he realized that JK is hugging his waist tightly and snuggle his face in Tae's neck. Tae smile and kiss jk's forehead and with so much difficulty he free himself from jk's embrace. He freshup and went downstairs in the kitchen. There Jimin was already making breakfast. Tae smile and said....

Tae (smile): Good morning hyung, need any help..?
Jimin (smile widely): Good morning Tae. Everything is prepared just sandwiches and smoothie is left.
Tae: let me make smoothies.

Both start making breakfast and talking about a lot of things. Jimin also tease Tae about his first night. After everything is prepared Jimin said...

Jimin: ok, only serving is left, that will done by maids. Now go and wake kook up ok.

Tae nodded and went to his bedroom, when he enter, he found bed was empty and sounds were coming from bathroom. He take out jk's dress, watch, wallet, perfume and othere items and kept them on the bed. Tae trun around but bump into someone. And in a second he was pinned on the bed with his hands above his head. Tae look up and found JK only in a pant pinning him.

His heart beat become uneven, JK was shirtless, reflecting his hard muscly body. Tae just close his eyes, it was too much for Tae. Jk snuggle in Tae's neck and said....

Jk (deep voice): why you leave me on the bed alone..?
Tae (breathing heavily): i.. I was in kitchen making breakfast with hyung.

Tae said, he was looking down, Jk put his finger on Tae's chin making him look up and said...

Jk (bite Tae's neck): are you married to kitchen..? I really wanted to see your face after waking up but you wasn't here when I woke up.
Tae (breathing heavily): i.. I am sorry. Next time I will be here.
Jk (look at Tae's eyes): earn your forgiveness..
Tae (slightly confused):

Jk said nothing and look at Tae's pink lips. Tae understand what he meant and both lean and connect their lips. They kiss with so much softness and tenderness. They break the kiss and look at eachother...

Jk (wishper over Tae's lips): I've tasted your lips, and they're exactly what I want for my breakfast.

Saying that Jk again seal their lips in a kiss. This kiss was hunger filled, passionate and deep. Both were kissing eachother, Jk's hand find it's way inside Tae's shirt, feel naked waist of his wife. Tae moan in Jk's mouth feeling his husband's hand on his waist. Jk's hand girp side of Tae's waist squeezing it softly and Tae arch his back, Tae's hands were already on Jk's neck, pulling him more towards himself. Everything start heating up, Jk's hand start going upward but both were intrupted by...

??: Now leave him kook, you're eating him from last 10 minutes.

Both Tae and kook flinch and look back only to find Jimin standing their with a naughty smirk. Tae immediately get up pushing Jk and try to fix his clothes. Jk glared at Jimin playfully and said..

Jk: what you're doing here hyung..? And you should knock before entering in someone's room.
Jimin (smirk): well I was knocking from last 5 minutes but no one was responding so I just enter here but I found....
Tae (cut off while shuttering): u..umm h.. hyung go we're coming.

Jimin just smile and went downstairs, Tae take a deep breath and turn back at Jk. He pick Jk's shirt and start wearing him the shirt. Jk amusedly look at Tae, who ready him, make him wear watch and blazer. After readying Jk, Tae look at Jk and said...

Tae (shyly): let's go downstairs. Everyone must be waiting for us.
Jk (pull Tae closer): we can't go downstairs like this sweetheart.

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