Kidnapping..... {✓}

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Tae was getting ready for his date with the help of Jimin and Yn. Both were doing makeup and other things. After preparing Tae Yn smile widely....

Yn (smile): now you're ready to break the bed with hyung..!

Tae and Jimin choke on air and look at her with wide eyes. She rolled her eyes at their reaction and said...

Yn: oh come on, hyung will not leave you today, just look at yourself you're looking like full course meal.

Tae blushed furiously and Jimin chuckled. Just then they hear car horn. Tae get up, gather his items and wave Jimin and Yn bye and went outside.

He come out and found JK leaning on his car, god JK was looking so hot and handsome, he was all in black. Jk look up and found his beautiful wife standing there. Tae was looking so beautiful and angelical. Jk come forward and caged Tae in his arms...

Jk: you're looking so beautiful Mrs Jeon. Just like an angel.
Tae (shyly): you're also looking so handsome Mr Jeon, just like a Greek god.

Both smile at each other and then seal lips in a loving kiss. Both parted away and JK bow down to Tae...

Jk: please this way Your highness.
Tae (also bow down): thank you Your Majesty. Please lead the way.

Both laugh at each other and then JK open the door and Tae sit in the car. The ride was plesent, with lot's of happy and joyous moments. Jk took Tae in a beach. Tae was shocked seeing the decorations...

It was decorated with candles and roses, and these was a bed in middle

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It was decorated with candles and roses, and these was a bed in middle. Jk took Tae and both sit on the bed. Jk serve Tae some expensive wine and some chocolate chip cake of Tae's favorite. Tae took wine and take a ship.

Tae (softly): it's so beautiful kookie, thank you so much for this.
Jk (smile): it's what you deserve Tae, you deserve better than this.

Tae smile and stand up, he remove his coat and look at JK, JK rise a eyebrow but Tae said nothing, he folded his pants and went to sea. Jk also follow him, but as he reached Tae splash water on him making him all wet. Tae start laughing and running away.

Jk (smirk): you want to play with me..?
Tae (smirk back): why..? Are you scared..?
Jk: oh no baby, but you know I am a businessman, I do everything for profit, so what I'll get after winning..?
Tae: I don't have anything except my own self. And if you win then I'll gladly give me myself. How's this..?
Jk: perfect..!

Tae start running again, and this time JK was behind him, JK was running like a predator ready to catch his prey and in no time Tae was caged between jk's arms. Tae look at him and said..

Tae: congratulations Mr Jeon, you won me..!
Jk: and I accept you with all my heart Mrs Jeon. I promise to love you and respect you till my last breath. I promise that no one other then you can aquire your place in my heart ever. I surrender my self to you Mrs Jeon.

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