Intense night....(smut){✓}

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""Henna ceremony/ritual......

In hindu wedding, mehndi ceremony is one of the most important ceremony. It generally happens before Marriage but as this is only a fictional story with nothing reality so I am going to celebrate this ceremony after one week of marriage.

And please think that it's been one week after Tae and kook's marriage.""

Tae look at Jin with confused eyes, Jin smile and said...

Jin (smile): don't be nervous Tae, after one week of wedding we apply henna on bride's hand. It's a ritual. Jimin go bring henna bowl.

Jimin smile and went inside the kitchen. Then Jin and Jimin apply a beautiful design of henna on Tae's hand. It was so beautiful, and become angelical on Tae's soft white milky hands....

 It was so beautiful, and become angelical on Tae's soft white milky hands

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Tae's henna design........

After applying henna, everyone went to their room, Tae went to his room while saving his hands, as henna was still in liquid form. Both Tae and kook reach to their room. Tae sit on the bed and JK went to change. After coming out JK said....

Jk: Tae go change then we'll sleep. It's getting late.

Tae look down, he can't change his clothes on his own as his hands were immersed in henna. Tae look at JK then his hands. Jk notice everything and said...

Jk: i..if you want I can change your clothes, but if you feel uncomfortable then I can call Jimin hyung to change it.
Tae (nervous): I.. I am not uncomfortable. But i.. I am nervous.
Jk (confused): but why..? I mean I don't hurt you then why hurt..?
Tae(looking down): umm..i.. my body... it's not normal Kookie. I've something different.
Jk (smile): Tae if you're insecure then don't worry, I'll never judge you. I fall in love with you not with your body. And I accept you as you're.

Tae smile softly and stand up in front of Jk with his hands on his side. Jk was about to close his eyes but Tae said...

Tae: you don't need to Kookie. I trust you with my life and you're my husband, you've this right.

Jk smile softly and rest his hand on Tae's shoulder. Tae shyly look down as JK start opening Tae's buttons of his shirt. Tae closed his eyes when his shirt fall from his body leaving him only in a bra to protect his breast.

Jk wide his eyes when he look at his naked upper body. Tae's body was so soft and milky white. But what shocked him is a BELLY PRICING and WAIST CHAIN.

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