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Today was Tae and kook's wedding. Everyone were so busy and immersed in wedding preparations. Well after all Jungkook was youngest CEO of the Aisa and have very well known connection so wedding must have to be on his reputation level. Moreover namjin and yoonmin don't leave any shortage in younger's wedding. Everything was prepared on best level. Tae was really shocked by the arrangements. It's his first time witnessing this much grand marriage and that also it's his own. He was now in dressing room, some make-up artist were preparing him for the wedding. He was now totally dress in his expansive Gucci wedding dress, and get makeup done by top beautician.

Just then Mrs Kim enter and look at Taehyung, she immediately gasped looking at the beauty of the other.

Mrs Kim (shock): I can't believe that you're my Taehyung bear. Oh God always keep you this happy beautiful and healthy.
Tae (shyly smile): Eomma...!

Just then Mr Kim and Jhop enter in the room. Both look at Tae and smile proudly.

Jhop: my baby bear is looking so beautiful. Can't believe that today you will leave us all alone.
Tae (teary pout): hyung please don't talk like this, I'll be always with you. You can anytime come and meet me.
Mr Kim (smile): all right, let's go. It's time for the ceremony.

Everyone nodded, Tae placed his hand on his Appa's and both went to wedding asial.

Jk was all prepared, looking so handsome and smart. His all family members were smiling toward him.

Jin (smile): my son is looking so handsome. God always keep you this happy.
Namjoon (smile): let's go, everyone is waiting for us. It's time to start the ceremony.

JK nodded and went to the asial. He was standing in front of Asial with a cold face looking so handsome and mesmerizing. Everyone were shocked by seeing his handsomeness and hotness.

Just them music start playing indicating the arrival of bride. JK look up only to find a beautiful angel coming toward him, he was so shocked seeing Tae's beauty. JK and Tae look at each other and got mesmerized seen each others beauty and handsomeness, it's like they're a pair made in heaven only ment to be each other's. Everyone was socked seeing the couple looking so beautiful and outstanding they emitt power and kindness. Just then priest said.....

Priest: okay so everyone are ready to start the ceremony....?

Everyone nodded and then priest start the wedding ceremony.....

Priest: Do you Jeon Jungkook accept Kim Taehyung as your wedded wife ...?
Jk (smiling with sincerity): Yes I do.
Priest: do you Kim Taehyung accept Jeon Jungkook as your wedded husband...?
Tae (shyly smile with so much trust): i.... I do.
Priest (smile): so today with the witness of hundred of people present here I declare you both as lawfully wedded husband and wife. Now you may kiss your bride to seal the vowes you taken.

Tae become slightly nervous, JK notice it and smile at him. Tae look up and JK placed hand his hand on Tae's waist, pulling him closer both look at each other with so much trust, sincerity, love, and care. Tae then slowly place his hands on jk's shoulder,  JK smile at him and said.....

Jk: may I...?
Tae (smile and wishper): you may.....?

JK pull Tae closer to him by his waist. Both look at each other and slowly seal they are lips in a loveful kiss. Both felt immediate pleasure, happiness, trust and care in that one peck after few seconds they both party away and look at each other with a smile, it was their first kiss ever and they both are happy to be each other's first kiss.

Just then everyone is start clapping and coming towards them to wish them and give them blessings. Jin smile hug Tae and kook and said....

Jin: welcome to the family Tae. From today you're Jeon Taehyung, wife of Jeon Jungkook and son of Jeon family. We promise you to always love and care for you.
Tae (smile softly): thank you Eomma, and I promise from my side I'll always try to be best for my husband and my family.

"My cold husband and rude sister in law" (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now