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All the Kim family was in living room watching TV show and Tae was in kitchen trying a new dish from youtube. Just then door bell ringed. Mrs Kim went and open the door. She look at their visitor with confused eyes..

Mrs Kim: how can I help..?
Namjoon: actually we're here to talk about something. Can we come in..?

Mrs Kim nodded and take them to the living room, as Mr Kim see them he get shocked..

Mr Kim: oh god, how can I help you sir..? Do you need something.
Namjoon (smile): calm down Mr Kim. We're here for asking Taehyung's hand for kook.
Mrs Kim (shocked): for Mr Jeon Jungkook...?
Jin: Yes. We always want someone to be kook's wife who can really love him not his money or physical appearance. I saw Tae helping people and we just come here. We think Tae is perfect for our kook and rest is your decision.
Jhop: well.. we're not rich. We don't own mansion, how can you marry your son in a middle class family...?
Jimin (smile): it's not how big the house is, it's how well mannered the family is. Money can't buy manner and respect sir.
Yoongi: money are numbers and Numbers never end, if it take money to be happy,  your search for happiness will never end.

All the Kim family was shocked now, they never expected that they get married proposal from Jeon family.  Then Mr and Mrs Kim smile and said...

Mr Kim: it's our fortune to marry our son in your family sir. We heard a lot about your kindness. 
Namjoon (smile): thank-you for trusting us Mr Kim. We are making Tae our son not our son in law. And this marriage only happen if Taehyung give his permission. We'll never force anything on you'll.

Then everyone start talking about wedding dates and other arrangements. Just then Taehyung enter with a tray full with tasty cup cakes...

Tae (excited): look Eomma I found a new recipe for making cup ca

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Tae (excited): look Eomma I found a new recipe for making cup ca....

He can't able to complete his sentence after looking at everyone. He get shocked seeing that handsome man which introduce himself as Jin and some other people sitting in his house. Yoonmin and Namjoon were shocked seeing Tae's beauty. Jin smile at him and said...

Jin : come Taehyung, sit here.

Tae look at his mother who nodded, so he kept the tray on table and  sit between Jin and Jimin. Jimin smile at him and said...

Jimin : I am Jimin, don't be nervous Taehyung.
Jin (smile): we're here for your marriage proposal Taehyung. Please don't feel any pressure. If you want you can totally reject us.

Tae look at Jin and Jimin and then look at his parents who smiling nodded, Tae look down in shyness and just nodded his head. He trusts his parents choice and he know his parents always choose best for him.

Everyone smile and then they start talking about other things. Tae and his family was shocked that how generous Jeons are. After settling everything, Jeon family went back to their house.

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