True love never ends

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Kabeer's POV:

"Kabeer man, I'm going crazy" Said an annoyed Ankur.

I gave him a look over my laptop, he was sitting on the sofa with loads of files around him on the center table.

I huffed and swayed my head in disbelief. He sometimes can be really irritating. He is excellent at his job but at times he behaves like a kid lost its candy.

"Kabeer, help me!!!"
He yelled now closing his eyes he fell back on the sofa.

"What the fuck is stuck in you're ass?"
I screamed back at him.

"My fucking problem is my brother"
He said and looked at me emotionally.

I gave him a  weird expression and asked..."Brother? You mean Arjun bhai?"

Arjun is his elder brother who lives in Germany with his wife and three kids. He is like an elder brother to me also. At a point Shikha and he had a good relationship, we thought they would end up together but fate had planned different.

"Yeah, his dick is stuck in my life's ass" He said annoyingly and angrily.

I laughed loudly. I took a deep breath and stopped working.
I got up and went sat beside him. I put my arm around his shoulder and he leaned on mine. We sat for 2 minutes in complete silence.

"Bro, you need to step out"
I said softly.

"I can't, you know that" He said and left a heavy breath.

"You need to. It's high time"
I said and pulled away.

He looked at me and I can see his watery eyes. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. I just gave his hand a lite squeeze.

"I can't Kabeer, I can't. It's to tough for me. Even though it has been 8 years. I still can't" He said and looked at me sadly.

"Why? I'm sure she won't want you to stay like this? Are you going to live alone all your life?" I said trying to make him understand.

He kept quit and didn't say anything. I took a deep breath and again spoke...
"Your family and friends are worried about you. Why don't you just try and do it for our sake" I begged him.

"I loved her with all my heart, and I still do. No one can ever replace her. She was, is and will always be my only one. I can't love anyone else like I loved her. So I don't want to spoil any other girl's life by marrying her" He got up and stood leaving a long breath.

"How do you do this to yourself?"
I asked and got up to.

He turned and looked at me with a small smile and spoke with a kind of emotion...
"You will know when you fall in love"

He came close facing me straight he said...
"True love never ends"

I gave him a blank expression.
He left patting my back. I stood still not knowing what to do. I resumed back to work. But how am I to focus while my friend half brother is crying out there.

Suddenly my door was knocked bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Come in!" I said loudly.

I looked up to see, Sanjana. I gave her pretty smile a reply with my smile. She came in and kept two files on my table.

"Sir, I completed your schedule for today" She said with her bright smile.

Yeah she is my personal assistant and our chief designer too. I appointed her this post. I dont know why?
I just can't decide or describe my feelings towards her.

I am looking through the files, when she asked me...
"Sir, can I ask you something personal?"

"Hmm.... I answered but didn't see her.

"Past morning today I found Ankur sir very dull. Do you know what's the matter? Is it all good?" She asked worriedly.

I stopped looking at the files and looked up at her little wiredly.

She immediately changed her face and said sweetly...
"It's okay, if you don't want to share. I understand. I just asked because, I am genuinely worried for him. He usually is always smiling and flirting. But today he seemed very dull"

I gave her a stern look and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Ankur was married for 5 years and lived happily till his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. They went though all medical shit possible. But eventually she passed away eight years back. And his elder brother is now wanting him to remarry. But obviously he wont I know. I tried to explain as much as I could. But it was of no use, he would never marry ever again"

I said and left a long breath while Sanjana sat on the chair with tears rolling down her face. She closed her eyes and wiped them. I too controlled myself. I even can't handle so much at times.

"How is doing up with all this? Never thought that smile has so much hidden behind it"
She said softly sniffing.

I chuckled sadly and said...
"He flirts with girls and has one night stands but never was in a serious relationship from the time she died"

"It must be so hard for him" She said looking at me sadly.

"Yeah it is!" I said and leaned back.

"Why did you tell me all this?" She asked now becoming serious.

"I dont know, maybe I found you true and you won't make this a hot topic of office gossip" I said looking her honesty.

She gave me a slight smile and said.. "Thank you for sharing"

"The next meeting is in an hour" She said to which I nodded. She stood up and left.

I resumed back to work, but one part of me kept thinking about Ankur. His wife was his life. They were college love birds, ran away and got married against family.
Crossed everything possible but then God had other plans for them. So is also the reason I hate this love, marriage, children and all the nonsense.

I see my sister and brother in law. I've seen my parents too. They are all okay, but still I don't wish to fall for all this.

..........................Next chapter

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