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Sanjana's POV:

I woke by the ringing of my phone's alarm. I twitched my eyes and slowly opened them.
After a year my heart felt nice and happy to see him in front of me. He is holding my hand in his. When did this happen? I wondered and slowly moved to switch off the alarm.

I looked over to see the kids sleeping in peace. But how did they not wake up at midnight for milk? That's too strange, because they will wake up to eat daily in the middle of the night. I thought wiredly.

I got up and sat stretching my hands in the air. I tied up my hair taking a deep breath looking around the room reminds me of so many things. I turned and looked at him again. He looks handsome to me every time my eyes see him. I smiled but, sadly.

I know he is upset and hurt with everything. He's not yet spoken to me about it. But I know he has a lot of questions and I need to answer them. I guess we are waiting for the right time. It's all my fault now I need to face his anger.

Anyways today is a big day for our kids. Let's focus on that first. I got up and went into the washroom silently. Once I came out I saw the kids up and playing with their dad. A huge smile came from within me.
I walked up to them and sat on the other edge.

"You little monkeys are up?"
I asked them smiling in a baby voice.

They both looked at me and gave me their toothless smile.

"How did you both not wake up last night to eat?" I again asked and pinched one's cheek.

"Ough... ugh.." He coughed suddenly.

I looked at him and gave a weird expression.

"What's wrong? Want water?"
I asked in a worried way.

He shook his head as no and got up going into the bathroom

"So weird, what's wrong?"
I whispered to myself and looked back at my smiling kids.

"Come let's eat!" I said and picked them up keeping each at one side.

I'm wearing a saree today. So, it's going to be tough to manage these kids. I hope everything goes well in the function.

The door was knocked and I put them down keeping pillows for safety around them and went to open it.

"Good morning!" Shikha di said smiling.

"Good morning di!" I said back smiling and walked fast back to my babies.

She came in and kept two bags on the bed and quickly carried one of the boys as I sat down with one on my lap.

"I got clothes for you all"
She said looking at me.

"Ho, thank you. I need to get dressed again then"
I said and she sat in front.

This guy again started to pull my blouse from below. I opened it and started feeding him again.

"These kids drink a lot of milk right?" She asked knowing the pain of breastfeeding.

"Yeah di, I get tired of only by feeding them"
I said with a heavy sigh.

"How do you manage two?
I was fed up with only one"
She said and chuckled.

I too just laughed it out. She gave me the other boy and  both sucked on their food.

"Last night I came to check on you guys, when I saw you were feeding them...ho these sleepless nights. I tell you!"
She said looking at them smiling.

"What? Last night?" I asked being confused.

"Yeah Kabeer only opened half the door as I stood out, he said the kids woke up and you are feeding them" She said again.

I didn't say anything and kept quit. So, that's why he went in without saying anything. Because he might have fed them while I was asleep. I thought in wonder.

"Okay, get ready all four of you and come down soon the priest is on his way"
She said and went not before kissing the kids on their heads.

I sat thinking, that means he fed both of them without waking me up. Surprisingly I too didn't wake up. Anyway, night has gone. I just should be careful from now on.

He came out of the bathroom only with the towel around his waist. We looked at each other in little embarrassment. I awaited my eyes back to my kids. He quickly took his clothes and went back in.

It's nothing new Sanjana! My mind told me. I can't deny it as it's the truth. He always comes out of the bathroom like that. In fact mostly I give him the cloths from outside. I thought while smiling a little thinking of old golden days.

"Boys, are you both done?"
I asked my sons.

They both blinked their eyes sucking more tight. I winced in pain and left a sigh.

The door was again knocked and Nandini entered smiling at me..."Good morning!" She said.

"Morning Nandy!" I said and smiled back.

She came and sat in front of me... "Had a good sleep?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah I did" I said honestly.

"Hello, my munchkins"
She pinched both their cheeks.

"Shay Aiii...." She cooded in a baby voice to them.

"Need any help in dressing them up?"
She asked looking at me.

"They are still eating, once done I will get them ready"
I said leaving a breath.

"Where is Kabeer?" She asked again.

"He's in the bathroom" I said casually.

"Ok call me if you need help" She too said and went.

As she went my husband came out fully dressed in traditional.
He looks more than handsome. I know he cought me ogling at him, honestly I don't care. I know it's going to take a long time for us to get back together normally.

"Shikha di has bought us all new clothes, she wants us to wear it for the pooja now"
I told him slowly and softly.

"Those?" He asked pointing out to the bags on the bed.

"Yeah!" I said nodding.

He came across and opened the bags, the kids had same traditional outfits in red which matched with mine and Kabeer
So technically she's ordered for matching clothes for all four of us. They looked beautiful no doubt.

"Let's get the boys ready first!" He said and sat in front.

I nodded and he put his hands forward to pick up one of them. His fingers slightly grazed my breast. I stiffed a bit.

But, he picked up the boy soon and I put the other fellow down. We together managed to dress up the kids, he helped me wash them and do everything for them. In the middle we both had many eye contacts and touches here and there, some awkwardness. But we managed it at last. Both my sons look so cute.

Why won't they when their dad is handsome? My heart said and I agreed but also blushed.

Nandini came up again to check on us, and then she and Kabeer took the kids down. As I needed to dress in peace.

I was half way tieing my saree when suddenly he entered inside. Both of us stood in shock and I didn't know what to do. He came in and closed the door. I panicked a bit. I don't know why, he came close and took the his kurta from the bed. I was standing near the bed only. He bent in front of me and my heart raced fastly.

He stood straight and looked into my eyes. His hazel orbs have a million of emotions and questions held inside. How am I to tell him that it has always been him whom I have loved and chrished all my life. Without him I'm nothing, he is my everything. I love him and only him, I know I made a huge mistake but that was also in the fear of loosing him. I took a foolish decision but it was because I love him so much. My love for him can never end.

He slowly took a step forward and wiped the water from my cheek. I didn't know when tears fell down. I closed my eyes and wanted to hug him tight but, soon his warmth was not there. I opened my eyes to see he's gone. I sat back on the bed with an almost broken heart.

............................Next chapter

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