Confrontation...I guess...not really...

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Tommy had always hated confrontations, and today he hated it all even more. Because he wasn't being confronted, he was the one who had to do all the confronting.

Worst part of it all, he had to confront his best friends. The people who had been with him since well, forever. And now he was stuck walking home in the freezing cold at 2 am because he fell asleep at work.

Ranboo and Tubbo were his best friends, his only friends and the people who his world revolved around. Whether he liked it or not, they were the centerpiece of his being and the creatures which held all control over his life.

They were the ones who helped Tommy get past heroes, the ones who brought him a hot cup of tea when he was stuck at home while sick, the ones who accompanied his singing on Friday evening karaoke and the ones who tried to help him out a tree for a straight 5 hours at the park. 

They were his lives goals and yet at the same times his trusty sidekicks.

He took a deep breath, preparing himself to knock on his own damn door.




With shaky hands he opened the door on his own.

All the lights were shut off and no sound was coming from any side of the house.

It was almost as if Ranboo and Tubbo had just simply disappeared.


He knew they would never disappear on him.

Tommy pulled out his phone and dialed in Tubbo's number.

It rang for a few moments before being picked up with the happy go lucky voice of his best friend.

"Hey Tommy!", he was greeted, the noise of wind and panting coming through the speaker with a static noise.

"Tubs, I really got to talk about something with you and Ran-", he was cut off by the other boy.

"Did you see what we did today evening? It was the perfect deploy of Ranboo and I's vigilante career! I mean, seriously did you see the heroes faces they were like 'gasp' and Ran and I were like 'Boom! We save people now!' and everyone was like 'Wow, you're so amazing and awesome!'!" 

Tommy just couldn't ruin his mood; he'd have to do that sometime later. Right now, he would just make sure Tubbo was as happy as possibly. 

"Yeah, you guys fought right in front of the café! It was so pog, there's probably nothing more pog than the epic pogness that was practically radiating off you two!", that wasn't really what he was thinking. What he was really thinking about how they never even told him about this plan. And now he was probably stuck sweeping up glass shards all day long tomorrow. 

"Maybe tomorrow we can both go out together on patrol! We'll be the epic trio of vigilante's and stuff!", maybe this wasn't so bad? Working together seemed fun and since they all already knew each other it'd be way easier to fight as a group.

"Uhm...well Ran and I were actually planning on deploying alone. But at one point we can all maybe go one night on patrol together.", his heart sank. How were they going to be an epic trio now?

"Oh yeah, makes sense. I can't wait to teach you both all about being a vigilante and saving stuff and doing illegal things which shouldn't actually be illegal-" Once again, he was cut off by a beeping sound.

Tubbo laughed at something in the background and then told Tommy, "Sorry boss man, but Ran and I got to go save people and fight! You know, vigilante stuff. Bye!" 

The smaller hung up, leaving Tommy alone in an empty apartment with the lights still shut off.

He knew he shouldn't be jealous, or angry but hearing his two best friends have fun without him really made his blood boil. 

They were meant to be the epic, pog triples. The unbeatable clique. The Benchtrio.

But it really felt like it was just Ranboo and Tubbo. That doesn't even make sense, the Benchduo? Well, it kind of sounded cool but at the same time it felt bad and like it was missing something. That something was him, though clearly Tubbo nor Ranboo understood this. 

Groaning, he flipped the light switch on, a lonely flicker came on before the ceiling lights abruptly shut off, then turned on again. Stupid lights, he should probably have that all fixed one day. But that was a problem for future Tommy, not present Tommy.

Hunger struck his sides, and he opened the fridge. 


Just the rest of a box of blueberries and some stale looking bread which probably shouldn't be in the fridge. He plucked both out and made himself something.

This sucked. This sucked a lot. This sucked so much. 

Suddenly, he felt something ring in his pocket.

A soft ringtone swiveled around the previous silence in the apartment and as he picked out the phone from his pocket, confusion went over him in a massive wave. 

This wasn't his phone; his phone was currently on his was too messy countertop, this phone was in his hand while an unknown number rang.

Curiosity got the best of him, and he picked it up.

"Is this Tommy? I'm from the café, long pink hair and fancy clothing. You know, the guy called Techno."

"Uhm, yeah that's me."

"Oh, and before we have this lovely conversation. Do you prefer me using Tommy or Raccoon?"





XD anyways, have a nice day biscuits and next week's chapter might be delayed by a few days because of my stupid ass exams.


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