Chapter 5

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Okay, wow this was a little late my apologies. Work has been hectic lately, and I recently had to re-write a 450 page legal document including our employment contracts, HR practices, and out dismissal/punishment/grievance/claims procedures, and omfg it all burns my brain. Worked all last weekend, will be working all this weekend too.

I received a lot of reviews, and remind people that if you log in and review me, you can leave me a question if you want and I will try to reply – as many people here will know. This chapter feels like a bit of a filler, because as many have noticed and asked – this WILL diverge from the series soon enough. But it cannot do so, until at least the first few days are over, so this chapter obviously does follow the series canon. Again I've tried to skip over most of the repetitive dialogue that we have all heard before.

Also sorry if it feels like I'm throwing romance on too strongly, I am using a lot of typical rom-com kind of jokes and things, but it won't be forced. Yang is interested in him, and teasing him, but she doesn't fancy him. So far the only one with a crush is Ruby, and Pyrrha is half-interested but hasn't had a chance to chat with him yet. Oh and Glynda feels half-motherly, half-interested in him.

Well... and Jaune x Peter Bromance. BROMACIA!

Jaune is a guy though, so he fancies everyone who is cute. At least that's how I recall my teen years being.


Chapter 5 – White Lies


Jaune rubbed his hands together nervously as he made his way towards what would be his biggest test in his new faux career. So far he'd done little but stand around and talk, yet now he was going to be doing what he was hired for, and that realisation was terrifying.

It was time to teach.

Or support a teacher anyway. Peter to be precise, since he was in charge of the Grimm Studies class, and it probably made sense for the student's first lessons in Beacon to be focused on what was their primary enemy. Jaune expected it to be more of an introduction to the school than an actual lesson, so hopefully he wouldn't have to do much. Also, Peter had been teaching alone for years, so was he even necessary?

Right now the students were most likely in the cafeteria getting breakfast, something he wouldn't have minded doing himself. Instead he'd quickly made a sandwich from the supplies thoughtfully left in his cupboards, and downed some milk before rushing to the classroom. From what he remembered of school, the teachers were always there before the students. That was just the way it was. So he would probably need to get to each class twenty minutes or so early.

That would also give him some time to do a quick recap on the syllabus and material, so he didn't make a fool of himself and get fired/arrested - delete as applicable.

Before he'd gone to sleep the previous day he'd made sure to send a message to his... contact? Within the criminal world... okay, maybe that was too strong a word, it was just someone Jaune had been put in touch with when he'd been looking for a forgery. But it was his only option. Thankfully the man had returned a message by the morning, simply stating that he could have it done if Jaune came into Vale, but that he would 'owe him' a favour.

Tit-for-tat, Jaune was sure a simple crook wouldn't want anything too drastic from him, and he was earning good money now it seemed. He just needed to find a chance to go into Vale.

"Morning lad." Peter greeted as Jaune opened the door to the classroom and stepped inside. "Looking forward to your first day?"

"Somewhat." Jaune replied easily as he let his eyes look around the room. The layout reminded him a little of an amphitheatre, with seats arranged in a semi-circle, spiralling upwards and outwards, with a large display area at the front where Peter stood. There were a number of boards on the back wall facing the students, with diagrams of Grimm. As well as.... Wait, was that a solid gold bust of Peter?

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