Prologue: Disappearing Act

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A/n: Just a short word, this story will by far have the longest chapters that I will ever write and therefore will be update most likely far and in between but I've had this idea for a  while so I just said fuck it. The Prologue will be the shortest cuz its the pre game

Y/n stands there, the rain beating down on him. He looks up at the grey desolate skies, he takes a deep breath before looking at the oncoming car. Blacked out, the company. You've came to dread them, but there isn't much that you can do. The car pulls in front of you, the back door opens. A part of you hopes that it is her getting out, but it isn't. 

"Moon Y/n?" The middle aged woman asks, a baby wrapped warmly in a blanket and covered by the woman's blacker than night umbrella. He nods, and the woman hands him the baby. He can already see her features mixed with his, if only she wanted to stay with them. 

"How is she?" He asks shakily, looking up at the woman as she hands him, the umbrella as she gets back in the car.

"You don't need to worry about her. As of now, she and you never knew each other," She smiles coldly," Now good day," The car drives off leaving you in the middle of the lonely street with a baby in your arms.

"Hi Seolhwa, I'm your dad," You smile down at the baby," I'll try my best for you," You rush inside, to see your mother waiting for you. 

"Y/n why do you have a child?" She asks carefully walking up to you, "You didn't kidnap a baby did you?"

Y/n shakes his head with a soft smile, "Mom, meet your granddaughter Seolhwa," You carefully hand the baby to her so she can hold it. 

She stares down at the baby, a motherly smile forming on her face. A smile you haven't seen in awhile, "I'm guessing she is the mother, that bad girl."

"She is," You look down holding back insults and tears, she isn't worth your tears anymore. You look back up at your mother. Her motherly smile still there, looking on at you.

"Don't worry about it Y/n, I'll help you learn after all I had to raise you by myself too," That's right, your mother, single parent. Your father left before you were born into this world. 

"Well there's more to it mom, I kind of need to disappear. Our deal was once the baby is born, I'll disappear."

"That's easy Y/n, I got offered a job in America making tenfold then what I do now. We can move and get a nanny for Seolhwa," She hands Seolhwa back to you, "You can finish school to provide a better life for the little cutie."

He smiles brightly, tears falling and nods. Within the next month, you have all the papers filled out and packed. By the next day, you guys were gone, with out a trace. No one knows where you guys went. America, you look around at your now home. 

"This is where we will live our life Seolhwa," You smile at your daughter as you get into the taxi with your mother, heading to your new home.  Gently rock her, you arrive at the house, a mansion nothing short of the word.  Your mom pats your back, slightly pushing you front towards the door.  You explore the home with Seolhwa in your arms, the place is beautiful. 

"Do you like our new home Y/n?" Your mother asks, walking to what would be Seolhwa's nursery. 

"It's beautiful," You smile. 

"The Nanny will come by tomorrow so we can meet her and then enroll you into school. Good thing my boss was nice enough to find a place that would take your transcripts from your school in Korea."

You nod, setting Seolhwa in her crib, "Very Lucky."

A/n: Ahhh geez man who the mama?

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