Act 8: Dragged Through the Inferno

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The concert started off without a problem, the fans are as loud as he always thought they were. NCT's turn comes quickly, Y/n takes a deep breath as Taeyong and the others pat his back. The lights go dark, the crowd remains just as loud as they take their places on the platform. The music starts to blast through the speakers in the stadium, Seolhwa gets the best seats in the house to watch her dad perform. Her smile is bright as she holds onto her grandma, Her eyes sparkling as she spots her dad dancing and rapping, a smile etched across his face. The crowd cheered loudly for him, song after song they never stopped cheering for him. The talk segment before the rest of their set comes around, Y/n stands there catching his breath.

"HELLO EVERYONE!" Taeyong screams out into his mic as the crowd screams, "Hehe as you seen everyone we have our dear friend Y/n finally home with us," The rest of the members cheer and jump on him, "You're going to see more of him now so please take care of him," Taeyong jumps up and ruffles Y/n's hair, "Y/n say something to the fans."

"Uhhh, Please take care of me and I'll give you my best," He says bowing and the crowd cheers as they move back into position for the last couple songs, the set went off without a hitch. He just couldn't wait to see his daughter again. He rushes to get cleaned up and ready for the final little performance of the concert, where all the groups are on stage together. He waves and makes hearts for the fans as Minjeong jumps onto his back, the screaming of fans gets louder and louder as Y/n runs around the stage with Minjeong holding onto him. The two of them slowly start to drift into their own world if it wasn't for Taeyong dragging them back into the real world for the final bow of the concert. Setting Minjeong down and joining hands to bow to the cheering audience. Running backstage, he quickly cleans up and goes to where his mom and his daughter are.

"PAPA!" Seolhwa runs towards him, bringing a bright smile on his face as he lifts her up hugging her tightly, "You were so cool!"

"I'm so glad that you thought so sweetie," He puts her down as he looks over to see Minjeong walking over with Aeri and Ning, "Good job today girls," he smiles at both of them.

"Thx oppa," They all smile and Minjeong runs over to Seolhwa and lifts her up, "Seolhwa did you see me on stage today?"

Seolhwa nods cutely, "You were so pwetty mama."

"She's so cute," Aeri pinches her cheek softly, "I'm jealous Y/n."

"Why are you?"

"Because you get to see this cutie everyday," Aeri pouts, "My days will be so much better if I could see her everyday."

"She's right y/n, my day is better when I get to see her," Minjeong chimes and Ning nods, looking around the floor.

"Ning, did you drop something?" He asks her, looking at her weird.

"My airpods."

All of them look at her and walk away, "So are you guys ready for the dinner that we are having?" He asks and they nod as they start their way to the restaurant. The restaurant is empty besides the staff and SM. The CEO rented the whole place out, to celebrate everyone's hard work. Everyone was excited to see Seolhwa, Y/n was eternally grateful to everyone being accepting of her, other than of course Jimin who was sitting far from her. The dinner went on without incident as they filed out of the restaurant back door.

"Oppa wait for me," Minjeong comes running up behind him, as fast as her legs will let her, "Is it okay if I spend the night again?"

"Is it okay with your manager?" He asks as he puts Seolhwa into the car, as she slowly falls asleep.

"Yes I already asked," She smiles.

"Then I don't mind and Seolhwa will be happy to see you."

"I'm tellin' you mate, it's going to be a huge hit with the media and it's going to be an absolute wildfire."

"Look Seongwoon, I know that you're eager to make a name for yourself in this career, but posting this article may land you in bigger shit than you think."

"I think you're scared of me being held in higher regard than you. I'm going to post it."

"I'm not scared of that, I'm scared that you're not going to have a job by the end of week."

"I'm going to get promoted by the end of the week," he smiles to himself as he clicks the upload.

Within a few minutes, the media was on fire.

BREAKING: Moon Y/n has a child and his daughter looks like another Idol? Who is the mother? Is it Karina of Aespa or someone else? What is his relationship with WINTER of Aespa?

Twitter, instagram, and reddit were all over this article like hungry vultures. Dragging Y/n through the mud, as well as some rather unethical detectives coming up with their version of events, accusing Y/n of the most heinous of crimes.

"Oppa..." Minjeong calls out to him as he holds his head in his hands, she moves to sit next to him, "It's going be okay oppa, the company will handle it," She tries to comfort him. The knock on the door catches their attention, "I'll get it," She says softly, going to the door and seeing BoA and Jimin.

"Is he okay?" BoA asks as Minjeong lets them in, not with a glare at Jimin. Minjeong shakes her head as they get into the living room looking at the mess that is Y/n. She sighs, "Y/n, we have an idea for this predicament that you are currently in."

"What may that be?"

"You and Jimin come clean about Seolhwa."

"Fuck that seven different ways," He spits out, standing up walking towards the kitchen.

"Y/n please this will clear everything up, for you. Jimin is willing to put herself on blast, admitting to her bullshit she pulled all those years ago when Seolhwa was born. SM is even gearing up to go after the person that posted the article full force."

"Fucking hell, fine if this doesnt fix this shit I swear to god."

"We're hoping," Boa pulls out the camera from her bag along with a tripod, sitting the two down on the couch taking a deep breath, "Ready?" 

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