Act 9: Lotus

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BoA starts the recording, “Hello, I’m Karina from AESPA, and with me is,”

“I’m Y/n from NCT,” His voice is monotone,void of life. The pain that he has felt over the past few days is extreme. Jimin knows it and it hurts her too. 

“Over the past few days, many of you have started to run with the narrative that He,” She gestures over to him, “The father of my child is a terrible person. If it wasn’t for his sacrifices that he made I wouldn’t be here. He’s a wonderful father to Seolhwa whereas I’ve been a terrible mother, if you can even call me a mother to her. As I left her to him and wanted nothing to do with either of them.” 

Both Y/n and BoA stare at Jimin, in shock at her words. She notices the stares from the two, “Y/n will always have a special place in my heart, as my first love and the father of my child no matter what I will protect him. I’m sure that I’m not the only one that will come at a moment.”

“Jimin…” Y/n sits there at a loss for words, he never expected her to say these things. Especially with how he treated her when he came back. 

She looks over at him, and smiles lovingly at him, “He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me and I wouldn’t want anyone to slander  him for things I know for fact that he never did,” She stands up and walks out of the camera angle and ends the video. She grabs her bag and jacket and starts heading out of  the door. 

“Jimin wait,” he gets up quickly, going after her, catching up to her in the hall, she turns around looking at him, her long black hair flipping around her shoulder.  Her beauty is still something out of this world.

“What is it?” She asks, staring into his eyes, tears welling up in her eyes.

“Thank you Jiminnie,” He smiles at her for the first time in years, the tears she was fighting back falls, she runs over to him, hugging him tight. Her tears were absorbed into his shirt. BoA and Minjeong watch from the doorway.

“I’m so sorry Y/n, I really am,” She says between her sobs as she pulls away from him, she looks towards the doorway looking at Minjeong smiling slightly. She looks back at the man in front of her, wiping her tears, “I hope the video fixes everything, well mostly everything, there are always those people that hang on to things.”

“Why do you want to put your own career on blast for this Jimin?” He asks her, his hand gripping her shoulder. 

“I felt like it would only be fair Y/n, I made you give up on your dream and raise Seolhwa while I was naive and told myself it was for the best time and time again. It took a while, too long for me to realize the pain I put you and even Seolhwa through,” She pushes his hand down, taking it in hers, “I’m prepared for everything to go up in flames for me. I don’t expect anything from you for doing this by the way, I just couldn’t stand someone as good as you getting dragged through the hellfire like that.” She smiles one last time at her, the most beautiful smile he has ever seen from her as she leaves. 

“Y/n?” Minjeong’s timid voice brings him back, as he turns around with a smile, “BoA wants to film another video as Jimin took the last one over,” She says as he nods going back over to the room, preparing what he’s going to say in his head. Even though it is difficult as Jimin already said everything. He takes a deep breath and nods at BoA to start filming.

A few days have passed, the videos have been doing well, Jimin understandable is getting flamed by the netizens. Y/n has died down in the searches, the company has found and sued the original poster of the article and everyone that accused him of heinous crimes. Taeyeon paid him a visit today and is currently playing with Seolhwa. He watches on, seeing Seolhwa smiling and giggling. Taeyeon looks over at him, gesturing to him to come over.

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