Act 11: Shooting Star

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"What's After Like?" She asks him, the lights flashing across her beautiful eyes. The question makes me think, does he truly know what is after like. Was it love? That's what he thought but look where "love" got him. Yes love has given Seolhwa, but it has also given him immense pain. He looks at her as she stares down at the street watching the cars and the people/

"Love," He pauses thinking about what to say next as she looks over at him. Her head resting on her arms, "You will do a lot of things in the name of love, not all good but in your mind, you made the right choice."

"Did you love Jimin?" She asks him, staring into his eyes, her eyes searching for any emotion, anything at all.

"With all my heart," he tells her, not meeting her eyes with his.

"Do you still?"

"No I don't, I haven't for a long time," This time he looks at her, the emotions in her eyes are running wild. She nods, looking back to the city. The silence was much needed for the two. Comfortable and enough was said. The only sound was that of horns and the nightlife.

Finding a school for Seolhwa was easier than he thought it would be. There was school down the street from the apartment. He could feel the stares from the parents as he walked through the school with Seolhwa. The tattoos aren't helping, he meets with the principal and her soon to be teacher.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Moon and little Seolhwa. She's a beautiful child sir," The principal reaches out to shake his hand.

"Nice to meet you," Y/n shakes his hand and smiles, "Thank you, she is."

The conversation about Seolhwa's enrollment went smoothly, everything was already filed and put into the system, until, "Can't help but to ask sir but where is Seolhwa's mother? I don't mean to be rude but typically both parents are involved with this."

"She-" he starts but is cut off by the door opening.

"Sorry I'm late, the practice went on longer than expected," She sits next to Y/n as Seolhwa hops onto her lap.

"Nice to meet you Ms, You are?"

"Oh I'm..."

"Well that was eventful," Y/n let's a deep breath, leaning back in the chair. Staring at the ceiling, as footsteps come from his left.

"What was it?" Taeyong asks as he hands Y/n a water bottle.

"Registering Seolhwa for school," He takes a drink of the water, "Someone that I didn't expect to show up, did so that was a doozy."

"I see but that's good that you got her enrolled."

"It is, hopefully she can meet some new friends and have a good time. God knows I didn't."

"Those people were messed up with what they did to you in school but you got through it. You're an idol, have a beautiful daughter who can cheer up even the most depressed of people."

"Very true, very true, " Y/n smiles slightly as practice starts again, the rest of the practice, he has a smile on his face. After practice he picked up Seolhwa from school. She talked the whole ride home and into her snack. He did nothing but smile and listen as the little beam of sunshine talked about her first day at school. She kept talking all the way to dinner time. Even talked with her mouth full of veggies. Finally getting Seolhwa to bed, Y/n steps out on the balcony. Staring at the night sky, the moon is ever so eternally beautiful as the stars shine in its backdrop of darkness. Taking it in, he thinks about everything that has happened over the past few months. Everything went by so quickly, seeing her again, Minjeong, everyone that has been in his life before now. He stares at the night sky watching a star shooting across the moonlit sky. He smiles, silently making his wish as he heads back inside.

Across Seoul

"Look, look," Ningning slaps Minjeong's arms, "A shooting star."

Minjeong looks quickly and is in awe of the beauty of that rare occurrence, "Make a wish," she tells Ning, as the young girl is already in the process of making a wish. She chuckles and makes one as well.

"What did you wish for?" Ning asks Minjeong like an eager child.

"It's a secret."

 A/n: Hello Im alive surprise, it's a shorter chapter than usual. Cheers mates.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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