Act 3: Kingdom Come

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A few weeks has past, since the little run in at the elevator. Seolhwa's bubbly personality has taken a back burner to a more mature and sad side. Many have tried to cheer the little girl up, only to get a small smile in return for their efforts. Y/n has tried everything from stuffed animals, to her favorite food. Nothing, Minjeong has tried alot as well, nothing.  Today, in the practice, Seolhwa set up in the corner, her tablet and headphones in hand.  The practice was the same as the last ones. At the end, Y/n checks up on her and see that she is watching videos of her favorite group. Tapping lightly on her shoulder, she looks up and smiles seeing her  dad.

"Yes Papa?" She asks pausing her video and taking off her headphones.

"Who's your favorite member sweetie?" He points to her tablet.

"I like Wendy, she's very nice and funny. Oh very pretty," She smiles putting on her headphones going back into the rabbit hole she was in.

He nods and walks up as she is grabbing her things, "BoA Sunbaenim~,"

"Oh god, you call me that when you want something company wise."

"I have an idea for cheering up Seolhwa, and since you are all knowing. Is Seungwan noona here today?"

"If it's for her, yes all of red velvet is here but they are supposed to be training with Aespa today."

Y/n sighs, "I'll risk it, I'll just bring Jeong with me and it will be nice to see the rest of Red Velvet."

He tells Seolhwa that he will be right back, gesturing Jeong to follow him two dance rooms down. Knocking on the door, one of the staff opens it, "Y/n?" The lady asks in a quiet voice. 

"Hi Manager-nim," he bows slightly as she lets him in quietly as the girls and the choreographer is going over the choreo, he watches.  The choreographer notices him first through the mirror.

"Okay girls, one more time before break, you have a guest," she says making them look behind at where the stuff are. 

"Y/n!" Minjeong jumps, smiling and waving at him which he returns. He looks over to Red velvet all of them with sisterly smiles on their face well all of them besides one, her smile is a bit different from the others but that's for another time. Their last practice before the break went smoothly, Minjeong pops up next to Y/n, "So what brings you here so close to her?"

"So you know how Seolhwa is sad?" She nods, "Her favorite member of Red Velvet is Seungwan noona so I wanted to see if she will be able to cheer her up."

"Ahh, well I'm sure that she will be happy to help. She's asking me to give her your number so she can call you to see her."

"Ah so that makes my job easier," He stands up straight and walks over to Seungwan, "Seungwan noona~"

"Omo, Hi Y/n," She jumps up and hugs the behemoth of a man, making many of the staff look like dwarves, "What brings you here?"

"Well we had a run in with her," He gestures towards Seolhwa's mother, "and she has been feeling down, and you are her favorite member in RV so I was hoping that you could cheer her up?"

"Awww, of course I will and we can take this chance to catch up."

"Of course Noona, thank you so much," He smiles of which she returns. They decide on the practice ending early thanks to Wendy talking to the staff and the choreographer. She grabs her things and goes to Y/n that is waiting with Seolhwa in the lobby. 

The elevator gets to the lobby, she looks around and finds the two, "Y/n~" She jogs slowly towards them and she sees the little girl's eyes widen, "Hi Seolhwa~."

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