Act 6: Before You Go

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 The day couldn't go by fast enough for Y/n and Seolhwa. Seolhwa has been getting closer to Minjeong and quickly at that. The members of NCT were sad that she wasn't paying any attention to them but they got over it when the time to actually do some work was there. Seolhwa looked up at them, busy dancing. She held tightly onto her tablet, and snuck out of the room. She remembered that Minjeong was practicing the next room over so she peeked inside of the room, they were taking a break laughing. She stomps on over confusing the rest of workers wondering where the kid came from. Seolhwa smirks to herself and taps on Minjeong's shoulder catching her attention.

"Oh hi Seolhwa, where is papa?"

"I snuck out mama," She smiles as the room goes silent. A staff member dropped their phone, staring at the scene playing out in front of them. Aespa looks at each other and back at Minjeong who is frozen solid. Karina stares the hardest, a whirlwind of thoughts rushing through her mind.

"Winter.exe has stopped working," Ningning and Giselle start laughing as some of the staff chuckle. Minjeong blushes, grabbing hold of Seolhwa's hand, deciding to go along with the little girl's ploy even though she knows Karina isn't going to be happy with her. But then again, when was Karina ever happy with her?

"What a naughty daughter I have eh?" She ruffles Seolhwa's hair, making the girl pout, "Come on, let's go to papa," She chuckles watching the staff trying to figure out what's going on. The two get to the door, only for it to open revealing Y/n.

"Oh Minjeongie, have you seen Seolhwa?" He asks as he sees Seolhwa jump out from behind her and gesture to kneel down and come close. She whispers in his ear something that makes him burst out laughing, "Ah so you came over here to see Mama?" Seolhwa giggles and nods, "Well jagiya, what shall we do?" He asks Minjeong as the other staff gasp hearing him. Karina staring at the both of them, Y/n spares her a slight glance.

"Go spend some time with your daughter Minjeong," the instructor pats her back, only adding to her reddening cheeks. The staff laughs whole heartedly, not noticing Karina's scowl.

"Seolhwa," Karina's voice echoes through the dance room, the laughter stops as the little girl's smile drops and Y/n glares at Karina as she makes her way to them. She glares down at the girl, "You know that I'm your mother, so why are you saying," She points at Minjeong, "She is?"

Minjeong stands in front of Seolhwa, blocking her from Karina. The staff look more shocked than before, "Unnie, now isn't the time for you to do this, let her have her fun," She stares Jimin dead in the eyes, the room is tense.

"Move, I'm talking to my daughter."

"Where was this when you abandoned her?" Minjeong dropped the bomb on everyone that didn't know already, "You left her with Y/n to further your life and for what? Look I'm grateful for what you have done for the group but deep down you always knew I hated you for abandoning Seolhwa, even Y/n. You said to me constantly that you weren't ready for a child. What about him? Do you think he was ready?"

Jimin stands there silently, emotions conflicting in her eyes, Y/n places his hand on Minjeong's shoulder, "That's enough, let's go Seolhwa can't handle this," She nods, picking up Seolhwa into her arms. Seolhwa buries her face into her neck as they get to the elevator. Y/n looks at her, "You know you didn't have to go at her like that... but Thank you."

"Your welcome although, it felt good to get it off my chest. I've been holding that in for years. Especially after she acted like nothing ever happened."

"I figured you've been holding onto a lot of resentment. But sit down and talk with her later, yeah? You two are like sisters, I would hate it if what happened between me and her ended that."

"... I will, sooner or later but I need time away from her," She smiles that he returns. She rubs Seolhwa's back as they get to Y/n's car, "What do you want to eat?" Minjeong gets Seolhwa buckled up.

"When we were in America, I got Seolhwa a happy meal to cheer her up. So how about Mcdonald's?"

"Sure," She hops in the passenger seat and they take off, the drive through the street was silent. A comfortable silence, the soft snores of Seolhwa from the back seat. The setting sun paints the beautiful blue sky with hints of pink and orange hues. The soft smile adorns her face, as Minjeong watches the buildings, the people. She peeks over at Y/n, his eyes trained on the road, the perfect lightning making his brown eyes pop. Her hand snakes over, intertwining with his. He looks over, she offers a slight wink before looking back out of the window. He chuckles, getting to the drive through, ordering the kids' meal.

"Minjeongie do you want anything?" He asks as she thinks.

"Hmm, a kids' meal too please." (The amount of serotonin with the thought of Minjeong snacking on a kids' meal is so much)

"Okay cutie~" he orders another and then his food. Paying and getting the food, "Where should we go now?"

"How about going back to your place and we can watch a movie with Seolhwa?"

"Sounds good," He smiles, as the silence returns for a peaceful drive home. Seolhwa wakes up as they get home, her eyes light up when she sees the happy meal. She clutches it tightly in her tiny hands as they hurry to get inside due to her insistence. As Y/n picks a movie all three of them will enjoy, Minjeong takes Seolhwa to brush her teeth. Once he picks one, he looks at them. A bright smile sprawls across his face, seeing Seolhwa's smile, Minjeong's laughter. A family, this what it is like to have a mother for his child. Minjeong looks into the mirror, seeing Y/n standing there watching. Her eyes filled with love, for him and his child. Despite the problems she has with the mother of said child. The child never did anything wrong, Seolhwa is cute, funny, an absolute angel.

"Oppa~" She calls out to him, turning around, looking at him holding out her hand, "Come here."

"What is it?" He chuckles while taking her hand.

"You have to set a good example for Seolhwa," She hands him his toothbrush,"Now brush."

He laughs but complies with her, seeing her pout turn into a smile. After the brushing, they ate and watched the movie. Seolhwa sat in between them, citing her reason to be, "You can sit together once you're actually mama," They shared a laugh. Before the movie was even finished, Seolhwa fell asleep on Y/n's lap.

"I'll go and get her to bed," he smiled, lifting her up and carrying her to her room.

"It's late, I should get going," Minjeong says, gathering her things.

"I'll take you back to the dorm," Y/n grabs his keys and the two of them get to his car. The drive was once again, a comfortable yet silent drive. Her hand intertwined with his, feeling like it was meant to be. The drive felt like it went by at the speed of light. Parking in front of the building.

"Thank you Oppa," She smiles, unbuckling her seatbelt while getting out of the car.

"No problem Minjeong," he watches as she gets out, he watches as she walks towards the door, "Wait Minjeong, before you go."

"What is i- mmph."

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