Act 4: Once Upon A December

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The next morning comes around, Wendy seems to have left early due to the note that Y/n found on the kitchen counter. He chuckles at the little characters that she drew on the sides of the note. He prepares breakfast for Seolhwa and get their things ready, today they're not going to the company. They're going to the cemetery to visit two people, luckily those two are in the same place so it won't take too long. 

"Seolhwa are you ready?" He screams out, as he hears a giggle and a door close. Seolhwa comes running in with a beautiful black dress on, "Aww My seolhwa looking adorable," He chuckles as he helps her put her shoes on. Grabbing the things they need, He leaves with Seolhwa to car. Getting her into her car seat, along with the things in the trunk. They get to the cemetery, "Seolhwa are you ready to see my dad?" 

"Yes papa," She unbuckles her seatbelt and slips out of the car, holding onto one of his one fingers making him smile.

"While we are on our way to my dad, we can go meet hyung as well," He smiles down at his daughter as she nods looking around. They begin their walk up to the big building overlooking the rest of cemetery. Stopping along the way at someone special, "Jonghyun Hyung, It's me Y/n," He smiles bitterly crouching down. He holds Seolhwa close, "I've brought Seolhwa with me, I wish you could've met her. I'm sure she would've loved you." 

"Papa, who is this," Seolhwa points to Jonghyuns picture.

"That's Jonghyun, the best big brother papa could've asked for," Y/n smiles as his eyes get glossy, Seolhwa hugs him tightly.  He pats her on the back, "Well looks go see your grandfather," He picks her up but not before leaving flowers for Jonghyun. Getting to where his father is, he sees some one there that he doesn't want to see. She turns her head, looking dead at him and Seolhwa in his arms. He ignores her, he walks next to her, "Seolhwa say hi grandpa."

"Hi grandpa," She cutely waves at his urn, making Y/n smile brightly ignoring the small smile on her face. Y/n talks about the small things to the Urn, completely ignoring her standing there. He quickly turns to leave as Seolhwa is falling asleep in his arms.

"Y/n we need to talk about this," She stops him by stepping in front of him. 

"What is there to talk about? There's no way you can fix anything. Even Seolhwa doesn't want to see you." 

"But I want to be in her life Y/n."

"It's not as simple as that Jimin, you can't abandon someone for the sake of another and then expect that someone to let you back in," he shakes his head walking past her at a quicken pace back to his car. Jimin follows him closely. 

"That's why I want to make it up to both her and you," Jimin says trying to catch her breath as he lightly sets Seolhwa into her car seat with her teddy bear. 

"There's nothing you can do to make it up to Me and for Seolhwa, I know a few people that will gladly be the mother figure in her life."

"Listen Y/n, I'm trying here to be in your and her life again. Please just let me try once." 

"No," He states simply as he starts to get in his car, "One thing though, why were you at my father's urn?" 

"You know that he seen me as his daughter in law."

"True, I suppose I should thank you on this front for not forgetting him," Y/n nods his head at her and gets in the car speeding off, leaving her sighing watching the car become a small dot in her sight. Y/n looks at her figure go smaller and smaller in the rear view, he drives to a friends house. He said that he would come after going to the cemetery. Ringing the door bell, which the door quickly opens afterwards as a short woman peeks around the corner, "Hi Noona."

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