Act 2: Into The Danger Zone

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A few weeks have past since the run in with Minjeong and Chaewon. Life has somewhat returned to normal, Allison still bugs you with questions although not as often.  There's been talks about transferring someone to Korea to become a new department head. Y/n is one of the candidates on that list. He knows it and is planning on rejecting the offer if it comes to him. But It's more money to go towards giving Seolhwa the life he wants to give her. He's at odds with himself, he stares up at the ceiling of the team office. The constant sound of the typing and pens dropping acting as background noise. It will be nice for her to be around all of his friends that he had to leave behind. But that will also just be that closer to her. 

"Y/n?" He hears his mother's voice call out making him look. She gestures him to come to her office. Sighing, he drags his feet.

"What is it Ma'am?"

She chuckles," Don't Y/n, Now I know you want the best for Seolhwa. The company has offered you the position as the department head in Seoul."

"I see," He sits in one of the chairs in front of her messy desk.

"As a superior in the workplace, I think you should take it more money and a lot more benefits especially for Seolhwa. But as a mother and grandmother, I don't think you should. Taking it will only get you closer to her."

Staring at the floor, a million thoughts per second, "I'll take it. If she runs into us, I'll handle it."

"Are you sure Y/n?" 

He nods and softly smiles, "For Seolhwa."

She returns the smile, "I'll let the higher up know head up and start packing up you and Seolhwa."

He gets up and goes to his desk with a box for his things. He moves quickly, no one else is in the team office besides him so he can avoid unwanted questions. But not everything goes as people hope. Allison, that bitch.

"Oh, Y/n where you going? Did you get fire? Oh Oh did you get that position? Or even juicier did something happen with Seolhwa? Like did her mom show to try to whisk her away?" 

"God Damn it, do you ever shut up?" He places the lid on the box and leaves. Placing the box in the passenger seat of his Alfa Romeo. He takes off getting back home quickly, "Seolhwa~?" 

He calls out as he hears her giggle, he goes to the living room. There she is, the woman he was hoping to avoid. Her long beautiful hair tied up into a low ponytail. She looks over at him standing in the door way. 

"Hi Y/n," She smiles, that smile eases his mind, at least used to. 

"What are you doing here?"

"Just here to see her, is there problem with that?"

"A whole list of problems in fact."

"But she is so cute, how can I stay away from my niece?" (Got em)

The two burst into laughter, "How did you find here Taeyeon noona?" 

"Minjeong told me all about it and this pad you got going on here."

He walks over to her giving her a tight hug lifting her off the ground, "Not surprised she told you, She tells you everything."

"Y-yeah c-c-can you put me down I c-can't breath." 

"Oh sorry," putting her back on the couch, scratching his head.

"She also told me that you got bigger," Taeyeon looks at you up on and down and bites her up, "She certainly wasn't lying."

"Oh please noona there's a child here," Y/n covers Seolhwa's eyes.

She giggles, "Don't worry, you're not old enough for me."

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