Act 10: After Like

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As Seolhwa sleeps, holding tightly onto her teddy bear, Y/n heads back out to the cold war that is being waged in his living room. Minjeong sits on the couch, her legs and arms crossed. The slight smirk on her face that is framed from her short hair. Taeyong sits across from her, staring at her. He sighs as he walks into the room, “Are you two going to sit there and just stare at each other like one of you killed the other's puppy?”

“Oppa, this old lady is getting on my nerves,” Minjeong doesn’t break eye contact with Taeyeon. 

“This old lady is a milf according to him,” Taeyeon gestures towards Y/n, making Minjeong glare at him. 

“Don’t glare at me, am I wrong?” He defends himself as he heads to the kitchen. He hears a pitter patter of footsteps behind him.

“Why is she a milf to you Y/n?” Minjeong asks him as he opens the fridge. He sighs, grabbing a drink and turning to look at her. Her cheeks puffed up as she stomped her feet. 

“Aww so cute,” He pats her head and runs to his room, locking the door, leaving her blushing in the kitchen. 

Taeyeon laughs as she grabs her bag, leaving as she sends the video to Y/n that she took of Minjeong malfunctioning. 

The next day at the company was interesting to say the least.Jimin was trying her best to get close with Seolhwa, despite the young girl not giving her the time of day. Y/n only watches on, slightly hoping the young girl will give in just a little. Jimin has brought her gifts that she thought that her daughter would like. After the videos, Y/n gave her permission to at least attempt to get Seolhwa to see her as her mom. Seolhwa gets up walking over to him, tugging on his pant leg, “What's up sweetheart?”

“She’s weird,” She says, making him laugh as he lifts her up. 

“Well she is your mother Seolhwa.” 

“I know but I don’t see her as such,” She hides her face in the crook of his neck as he pats her back softly.  

“Y/n,” He hears his name and he turns to look to see Wendy, smiling at him as she leans against the door frame still in her practice clothes. 

“Oh ho look at you noona, showing off I see,” He chuckles slightly walking up to her.

She blushes slightly, “Shush, what's wrong with the little one?”

“Jimin is trying to be a mother is all, it’s not sitting right with Seolhwa at all,” He pats the little girl on the back as she looks at Wendy and smiles a little. 

“Oh, I don’t blame Seolhwa for acting this way with her.” 

“I don’t either noona, It’s just I want her to at least know the woman that gave birth to her just a little.”

“Seolhwa just needs to ease into it, ain’t that right Seol?” The little girl nods, “See? just give her time Y/n. Now I’ll see you later. I still have some practice to do.” 

“Bye Noona,” He smiles as he grabs his and Seolhwa’s things heading to the car, Where he sees Minjeong standing there waiting for him. As her eyes land on him, it’s like the world gained colour in her eyes. The instant beautiful smile on her face as she runs up to him. 

“Oppa!” She excitedly greets him, “Oh Seolhwa~ hi,” 

“Hi Mama,” Seolhwa smiles brightly. 

“What's up Minjeongie?” He asks as they walk back to the car, getting his daughter in her car seat quickly and securely. 

“I learned a new recipe and I was hoping that I can cook it for you today?” Her fingers fidgeting behind her back, her eyes fixated on him, his every feature, the way his eyes shine in the sunlight and the way his hair falls perfectly onto his face. 

“Sure, I’m sure that Seolhwa will enjoy that as much as I will,” He smiles at her, opening the passenger side door for her. 

The drive home felt like an actual family to him, Minjeong treating Seolhwa like she is her own flesh and blood, Seolhwa calling her mom. Overall, a family atmosphere was getting to him. Even more now than ever as he sat and watched on as Seolhwa took her role of Minjeong sous chef. Watching Minjeong fit the role of Seolhwa’s mom perfectly at least perfectly in his eyes. The smile on Seolhwa’s face is evidence enough that she found the one she views as her mom. As Seolhwa carefully washes the vegetables in the sink, Minjeong looks over at him. The love is evident in her eyes, the bright smile that etches itself across her face every time she looks at him warms his soul. 

After the dinner, Minjeong and Seolhwa worked so hard, Seolhwa was out cold in her bed. Minjeong and Y/n stand silently on the balcony, enjoying the comfortable silence and the other’s company. He breaks the silence first, “Thank you Minjeong.”

“For?” She asks, looking at him, his face illuminated by the moonlight. 

“Being a mom to Seolhwa, you may not think you have been. But I can see it in her eyes that she truly does see you as such.” 

“O-oh, it’s nothing oppa. No need to thank me, Seolhwa deserves the world,” She smiles looking back out at the bustling city, the busy office workers hustling back home, the students getting out of the extra academies or even cram school. “So busy down there,” She mutters to herself as she looks at him through the corner of her eye, the gentle smile on his face as he watches the people walk on the streets, the traffic slowing to a standstill, “Oppa, can I ask you a question?” 

“What is it?” 

“What’s After Like?”

A/n: Sorry it took so long, I just haven't had any motivation so hopefully I can get back into the groove of writing.

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