Act 7 : Sugarcoat

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Y/n walked back into his apartment, the silence got to him. The joyful atmosphere that had this apartment in a chokehold, gone. He smiles to himself, as he enters his room getting to sleep quickly as tomorrow is the big day for everyone. Mostly for him to be able to live out his dream that he gave up to raise Seolhwa. But he wouldn't change anything, Seolhwa is his world and he would do anything to keep her happy and safe.

Some time before

Minjeong, bright red, gets up to her dorm, to see two of her members waiting for her. The two sitting on the couch with teasing grins, pat the open seat, gesturing for her to sit. Which she does, "What do you want guys?"

"So we watched from up here~" Ningning starts, "What's the tea with the two of you?"

"W-what do you mean?" Minjeong looks away, trying to hide her blush.

"It was like watching a kdrama," Giselle adds in as the two start giggling, "He opened his door and was like whoosh~"

"Stop it you two," Minjeong tries to hide more, "We're just friends, nothing else."

"Your face says otherwise," Ningning nudges her, "Do you like him or like like him?"

"I don-" She stops when she sees the stare the two are giving her, "I-I'm not sure."

The two squeal, hitting each other, "Minjeong," The cold voice calls out from the hall, stopping the two from their fangirling.

"Here we go," Minjeong says under her breath, looking towards Jimin, "What now?"

"We need to talk about this thing you got going on with Y/n."

"And that's our queue ladies and gents," Ningning and Giselle scurry out to their rooms.

"What is there to say Jimin?" Minjeong crosses her legs leaning back on the couch.

"Stop doing whatever you're doing, you know I still love him," Jimin stands in front of her.

"If you love him like you say you do, you wouldn't have abandoned him and Seolhwa. You would've stuck with them so you can be a family. But no, you pushed them away so you can continue your dream."

"I know what I did Minjeong, I want to atone for it."

"Atone for it by leaving them alone, because of you, Seolhwa doesn't know what it's like to have a mom that she can rely on just as much as she relies on her dad."

"I won't, I want them in my life."

"You fucked up Jimin, we all know this. Y/n doesn't want anything to do with you. Just run off with Jeno."

"Don't bring him into this."

"I'm not going to sugarcoat anything anymore Jimin, You're a shit person, a horrible person for not wanting to raise your own fucking child. A month after giving birth, I know you were getting Jeno wrapped around that dirty finger of yours."

"Shut it Minjeong, you don't know anything about Jeno and I."

"I know all I need to. You never actually cared about Y/n and Seolhwa. You're just trying to save your own fucking image now that they're back around and you can't run of it anymore."

"I'm not running from anything Minjeong, I realized my mistake and I just fucking want Y/n back. He's mine and always will be."

"The fuck he is," Minjeong spits back, the laughter from the two in their rooms echo out to the living room, "I'm gonna make him mine, I loved him before you even knew him. I love him and meeting him again only cements the fact that he is my one true love Jimin. So kindly go fuck yourself," Minjeong storms to her room, slamming her door leaning against it, "You've done it now Minjeong."

The next day

The staff was confused about the volatile feeling around a certain two. They could simply ignore it but it's rather hard when it feels like there is a cold war happening. The other groups in the venue noticed it too, mostly NCT.

"Hey Y/n, what do you think happened to them?" Mark asks, looking straight up.

"I don't know, hopefully nothing too major or it will hinder the concert."

"Well I think it was, they both look ready for a UFC match or something."

"Maybe I should go and see what's wrong," Y/n ponders and looks over, "Jeno."

Jeno looks up from his phone, "What?"

"Go see what's wrong with Jimin and I'll go see what's wrong with Minjeong."

"What don't you see what's wrong with Jimin? She is your baby momma after all."

"And we both she ain't shit more now go," Y/n shakes his head, starting his walks towards Minjeong, "Minmin~"

She stares out of her stare match, "Oh Hi Y/n," She blushes thinking about what happened last night.

"Come and let's get something to drink about this world war Aespa that is happening," He smiles as she reluctantly agrees. They find a cozy bench with their water, "So what happened?"

"Just Jimin being Jimin," Minjeong says hopefully you will take that and drop it.

"I know it's more than that, tell me."

"We had a fight over my relationship with you and Seolhwa. You know that she was always the jealous type."

Y/n sighs, "I know but I hope the two of you can move past this. I told you this before Minjeong."

"I know Y/n," Minjeong holds his hand, gripping it tightly, "I'll try to keep it civil for the time being."

"Good, now we have this concert to do so we need Miss Winter of Aespa to be in high spirits."

She giggles, "Don't call me Winter, it sounds weird when you say it."

He feigns hurt, "So hurtful. You don't like it when I say your name."

"Nope, I just love it when you say Minjeong."

He laughs, "Okay then Minjeong, let's give these fans what they paid for."

"Let's rock their socks off," She jumps onto Y/n's back, giggling hiding her face into his shoulder. She hides her blush as she takes in his scent. She really does love him, maybe a little too much.

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