Act 5: Those Days

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We back baby short chap mainly for Winto and all the Winto fans with a little cameo.

Y/n looks at the blushing girl, in trance. Her hair fits her, her face is a bright red. He gets out of the trance, "Come in," he moves out of the way. She nods stepping inside kicking off her shoes, she looks around taking in everything. The view from the windows overlooking the city with the shining lights lighting up the night sky. She mindlessly walks closer to the windows, the headlights light up what isn't from the skyscrapers.  She sees his reflection in the glass, his eyes looking back at her reflection.  

"How are you Y/n?" She asks, her voice is soft and low. He almost didn't hear it. 

"I'm good slightly excited for the whole NCT thing, " He sits on the couch leaning back into it. She turns around, her eyes studying each one of your features. 

"Are you sure it's the smartest choice oppa?" She asks sitting next to him, the look of worry is evident on her face. He can't help but to smile at her.

"Not really Minjeong but life is about trial and error,"  She sighs hearing his words, turning her gaze back out the window, "It's beautiful isn't it Minjeong?" 

She nods moving back closer to the window, "Reminds of those days doesn't it oppa? The days where we would sneak out of the trainee dorms and find the quietest area and stare up at the stars all night."

"It does, I remember us getting caught one day sneaking out," He smiles looking out at the bustling city, "Those days were good." 

She looks over at him, her eyes shine under the low light in the apartment, "Do you think we can ever do that again?" 

Y/n is taken aback not by what she asked, but by the way she looks under this lighting. Minjeong has always been very beautiful, but under this light, the way her hair contrasts with her milky white skin amplifies her beauty. He smiles slightly, "Times have changed Minjeong but I'm sure one of these days we could."

She smiles brightly, "We could even bring Seolhwa with, I'm sure she would enjoy it." 

"I'm sure she would," Y/n smiles back looking into her sprinkling eyes.

She comes up to him hugging him, finding a comfy and safe nook, "Comfy," her small voice makes him chuckle as he hugs her back. They stand there for what feels like a hour, both still staring at the passing cars on the highway. She suddenly pulls away and hides her face, "Sorry."

"It's fine Minjeong," He heads to the kitchen, "Are you staying over tonight? It's late."

"Could I?" She tries to look everywhere but at him, her hands behind her back, picking at her finger nails.

"Of course we have a guest room, you can sleep there," He smiles, "And you can join Seolhwa and I for breakfast tomorrow. Only if you want to."

"I would love too," The anxiety welling inside of her, disappears looking at him. The gentle smile on his face puts her at ease. 

"This way," She follows him, "The room is across from mine so if you need anything, just knock." 

She nods, "Thank you Y/n."

"No problem Minjeongie," He pats her head and goes into his room, closing the door behind him leaving a blushing mess in the hallway. Minjeong rushes into the guest room, resting her back onto the door. Her heart feels ready to jump out of her chest. She always cursed her reserved nature for not getting confidence to ask Y/n out first before Jimin. She checks the closet and checks into his clothes that he said she could wear. They still smell like him, she lays in the queen size bed with flushed cheeks and a smile on her face.

The next morning rolls around, the smell of Kimchi stew fills the apartment waking up Minjeong. She stretches, staring at ceiling as a smile crawls across her face remembering where she was. She heads into the kitchen, spotting him his shirt hanging off one of the chairs. Her eyes fixated on his back, not noticing the small girl standing next to her who is currently following her line of sight. 

"Unnie are you a pervert?" Seolhwa asks catching her off guard, as Y/n dies laughing over the counter. 

"W-Wh-What?" She panics looking at little girl, "I-I-"

"I know you were looking at papa while biting your lip," She giggles running to the table. The bright red Minjeong sits at the table hiding her face in her hands. Y/n plates the food placing them on the table, putting his shirt back on. 

"Eat," He smiles and pats her head. She turns slightly eating, hiding her blushing face away from him. He laughs more, "It wouldn't be the first time I seen you blushing."

"Shut up Y/n," She mutters ignoring the contagious giggling from Seolhwa. The rest of the breakfast was peaceful, one may even mistake them as a happy family. Y/n is currently washing the dishes, Minjeong sitting on the counter. Her smile as bright as the sun, she missed these long conversations with him. Nothing distracting them, other then the occasional Seolhwa zooming around. 

"Should we head to the company?" He asks drying off his hands. 

She nods, hopping off the counter, "Today is the last day of dance practices." 

"Is it? that's good," Y/n slips on his hoodie, and grabs Seolhwa's bag. Our trio quickly arrives at the company. Many trainees are looking on at the trio, many are in shock at seeing Minjeong while they question about Y/n. 

They walk to the elevators overhearing some trainees, "Hey did you see Winter?" 

"Yeah I did, she's so pretty," The other trainee says moving to the cafe, "Speaking of which dude, you really need to change your stage name." 

"Hey! Winnter is just fine bruv, how about yourself Crow? What are you a vigilante?" 

"Think about it, Winter, Winnter. They are going to make you change it anyways," The trainee slaps his friend on the back and heads into the cafe. 

"What the hell man!" 

Seolhwa giggles at the two as they head into the elevator, "They were weird papa."

"Oh, well looks who is talking little one, you're just as weird." 

"Y/n, don't be mean to Seolhwa," Minjeong slaps his arm, "Seolhwa don't listen to him, he was even weirder then them." 

Seolhwa giggles as they arrive at their floor, "Rude Minjeong rude."

She sticks her tongue out at Y/n, "See you after?" 

"Sure," He smiles heading into his practice room, what a day.

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