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POV: Junaid Khan

I can't believe they called me , i told i wanted to protect my daughter and it was this the deal but calling me in the middle of the night wasn't a great idea.

The only thing i am grateful for is that they didn't call at a time where my daughter could hear everything.

She is everything i have everything that i have of her, of my love Naeesah.

Seeing my little daughter laying down near the chimney with her little cat was the cutest thing i could see at morning. 

I saw her mum's diary near her and wanted to know at what point she arrived just to laugh a bit. 

My heart stopped the moment i saw the last line with the last letter faded due of a drop of her tears that fell there. I am so scared to let my daughter read the sequel cause i don't know if it will change the relation between me and my little teddy bear, but she will know if i hide the diary and she could be very furious and believe me when i say that for her eight years she is a real demon when she gets angry.

I tried to wake her up slowly cause it was nearly time to go to school and she loves to take her time to eat her breakfast.

"Assalamualaykum my little angel " i said when she oppened her eyes slowly and showing me her small smile,

"Abba " she used to answer me this way when she wanted something , and i looked at her with as if i had a great question mark on my face , 

"What do you want Qadira  Khan ?" i said as if i was angry , cause when i show her my angry side when she does something that she must not do , but she knows when i am joking cause she loves that face so much that she knows when i am acting. I can't hide her my good side, the side i gifted to her mother too.

"Come on abba i know you so much hehe. Can we stay at home just you and me and have a dad and daughter day?" , 

"You know you have to go to school i promised that to your mother ",

"But , Abba , with pancakes and lots of nutella?" ,

"If you do good girl and go to school today i will pick you up before your after school hour and make a meatballs date. What do you think?",

She was sad and wanted to stay home, but her mum wanted her tu succeed , and Qadira is really intelligent. If just you hear the stories she can write, just like her mother.

I took her into my arms and brought her in the kitchen,let her sit on the table and took a bowl from the cup board with the cereals poured out them in the bowl and go to the fridge to get the milk and gave her , and with her sleepy eyes she ate her favourite cereals.


POV : Qadira Khan 

I entered the school doors dreaming open eyed my meatballs spaghetti.

Dad used to tell me how much my mum used to do the best meatballs spaghetti ever , 

specially cause mum put a little square of kraft cheese into every meatball. I am lucky to have a father that can cook and that he gifts me special tastes of paradise to  me and teaches me  the power to love food and never stay without it. 

I entered my class discovering a new school desk . While I started to get off my bag the material for the lesson the teacher interrupt my curiousity by starting the lesson, 

"Dear class , so did you started to work on your writing work ?" Mrs Lall said looking at me worried of seeing me having another breakdown , if we want to call it like that,

"Mrs Lall you didn't said when is the due date for the work"i said after she let me answer,

"Ray you aren't pregnant right?",

"No , why you are asking a question like that" , and everyone laughed not in a bad way but in a cute way as if they wanted to help me ,

"We say due date mostly when we are pregnant , when you want to ask me the last day to give me your work is said with the word deadline" she said and wrote it on the board,

"Here is a new word that can help you in your writing. To asnwer her question , the deadline date is february , you have two months of time cause is a long work and i know you want to be the best in it cause you love writing stories. Take you time and for more motivation i want you to work in group, and i was about to say it but the fact is that someone didn't let me last time" she said smiling at me .

In my class i was always the one that worked  alone , i don't love to work in group , specialy with boys cause they don't like romance and love stories , do they even know who Romeo and Juliet are?

My thoughts stopped when they knocked the door and the school principal came in, a beautiful woman with long brown hair and dark skin like kinder chocolate , sky blue eyes.

She was 5.7 feet tall maybe and she was wearing a white tailleur with with a black shirt inside, high red heels.

Behind her a little boy , same age with mine for sure , a little taller than me , with dark hair , a part of them were collected in a small chignon , in a boy way.

His eyes where the same color of hazelnuts with capuccino skin color , and he had arab facial features. He was wearing black jeans with a red teletubbies hoodie.

His eyes crossed mine and my heart stopped.

"Goodmorning mrs Principal" we said all together after standing up. 

"Goodmorning little ones , how are you today?" ,

"fine thanks and you?"

"Fine thanks" she answered with a radiant smile,

"Let me present you a new student. His name is Hamza , he is from Pakistan , but knows perfectly english cause his parents learned the language. He is muslim like our little Qadira, thats is nice right ? You won't feel that alone now little Pochaontas" , that name was alway on me due that i used to do the same hairstyle like pochaontas.

"That is perfect , i guess this is a good ocassion to let Qadira  form a group with him for the next work" mrs Lall said and i was like WHAT THE HELL.

I smiled even if i wanted to shout and i know that mrs Lall did this cause i wasn't a girl that loved to talk much. Hamza saw my expression and smiled.

I already hated him 


Hamza , who is and will be for Qadira? I always loved those book or stories where the protagonist have the typical partner in crime and that is why I gave her someone, and if you analyse is like you meet mini Naeesah and mini Junaid. That is a point of view cause I was like Qadira and always wanted that boy friend who to grow up with and meeting Junaid i saw in him the mini boy I always waitend and wanted to spend my life with.

enjoy the sequel of the story 

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