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POV : Naeesah Khan 

I was waiting for her  after reciving the message of the location.

How poetic to meet me in front of my favourite  church : Saint Peter , or well known as Vatican. 

It was 5 a.m so no body was present there, but even if there was someone it wouldn't be a problem cause she would not let other notice she is a crazy woman.

A dark blue rolls royce parked before the pedestrial area and she came out of the car total black outfit , with dark glasses and her hair tied into a pony tail. Right after one of her man oppened the door and Junaid came out and my heart lost a beat cause i was so happy to see him , i wanted to run and hugh him but could't , he looked at me and smiled.

Why so innocent he was? Why so pure and unique? I am not worth enough for him for sure.

"Hello hello little sister" , and her voice was enought to switch off my romantic part and let the fire light up,

"Come straight to the point , Hafsa", 

"What ? Not even a welcoming hug from you?" she said, and Junaid's face clearly understood in that moment that she lied to him,

"My arms are known to be stronger than a python , so i don't want to break your weak body, even if you wouldn't feel a thing due that you are a snake ", i looked at her with so much hate that she start laughing, 

"At least hug him" she said and that was enought to make me weak , but at the moment i came closer to him , unexpectedly one of her men kicked in my knees and made me fall on them,

"NAEESAH" he shouted and tried to help me but another man , maybe a human hulk but a black version blocked him,

"Oh poor you two, so close but yet so far hahahahaah" she said while coming closer to me and , after bending her knees  with her face at the same level than mine, she took off her glasses. 

Eyes dark brown as mine but with an evil sparkle was looking at me with anger,

"Now hear the deal , okay?" she said looking at me, is incredible that she was born from the same father of mine she is too cruel to be like that,

"Okay " i said with a moan of pain ,

She came closer to me and whispered to don't let him hear 

"You will come with me in Palestine , and get trained to become a CIA agent no one will have to know it , you have the perfect face to manipulate the boss of a clan of terrorist" , i looked in front of me and crossed that eyes I loved a lot and smiled , it was my way to ask him sorry for the choice i am gonna take cause this gonna separate us. 

"Why me ?" ,

"Your surname : Khan. This surname is seen as part of an Elitè club , I will explain you everything on our flight. Deal ?",

"Will I be able to comunicate with Jun" i said pleading ,

"You can't ",

"Why?" ,

"Cause you will put our life in risk , and i know is what you want "

"How much time?" i accepted only because i could save him ,

"It depends ",

"On what ?" i said angry 

"On you , Naeesah " ,

"You want to make me believe that you kidnapped our father and hurted my mum , kidnapped Jun , only because you need me for a mission? Only because you need my help? The half sister you always hated because of money ?" I was getting more and more angry cause of all the Khan's on this earth she chose me ,

"He loves poetry , the clan's boss, and you are the only poet i know ",

"How do you know that i am a poet?" ,
" You know that I can read all on your computer right ?"
In that moment i realized she knew what I've been through before Junaïd.

"And even how much i hate you i had to do all this cause if i came to ask you that in another way after what happened you would never say yes ",

"My name is Naeesah Khan not Hafsa Nazir , i have a heart not like you" , and something in her eyes cracked but before she could answer i got up from the ground and so she did and her glacial face came back.

"Go in the car" she said with a broken voice that only i could hear. I looked at him to say goodbye and he looked back as if he heard what i said and my heart broke for the hundredth time.


Is the poet stuff strong as reason to take Naeesah ? 

Some people will think that is not a valid reason but believe me this reason will surprise you after.

Hey stars stay tuned <3 

-Naeesah Khan 

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