🦋 Leonardo X Sick! Reader 🦋

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❧ (Y/N): Your name

❧ (F/S/F): Favorite soup flavor

⚠️Trigger Warning: Mentions of vomiting⚠️


🦋 Leo's P.O.V. 🦋

"(Y/N)! Get back to bed!"

"But Leo! I don't wanna!"

     "You can barely stand!", I softly exclaimed and gently picked up a sick (Y/N) bridal style, making my way once again back to my room, (Y/N) has a fever, a rather bad fever but at least it's not pneumonia or something worse. But, she/he/they could barely stand; swaying and losing balance, as well as not thinking straight and being stubborn. 

It's so funny whenever (Y/N) ask some silly questions, one time she/he/they asked, 'what if a cat barked and a dog meowed?'. I still have the video thanks to Don. Although, I should let Raph know about it so that he can keep an eye on Donnie's Mad Scientist moments.

     Carefully laying down the sick human, I cover her/him/them back up and check her/his/their temperature. "Need anything?" "I'm co-ld~", (Y/N) whispered out trying to bundle up for warmth and I made my way to my drawers to grab a spare blanket, one that is thicker than the usual bed sheets that I normally use. 

Only except, by the time I turn around to make my way back to (Y/N), she/he/they disappeared! How the heck did she/he/they move that fast!? Then, I hear a faint sound of a certain someone hurling in the bathroom, let out a sigh of relief, and quickly make my way to (Y/N), staying by her/his/their side to give as much support as I could. She/He/They haven't eaten anything yet, so its all just stomach acid


🦋 (Y/N)'s P.O.V. 🦋

     Geez, this sucks. After disposing of, at least what I think; the last of my stomach acids, I was carefully taken care of by Leo. As he disinfects and flushes the toilet, he sat me down on the toilet seat and ready a bath. Watching him do all this work, I felt a sense of guilt, and before I even said anything he spoke. 

     "It's no worries (Y/N). It's nothing to be guilty about either, it just happens. Besides, this just gives me an excuse to spoil you~", He said giving me a wink and making me let out a soft scratchy laugh, resulting in a few soft coughing fits. "Real smooth Lee~ But, thank you" "Anytime (Y/N)~", Leo said and kissed my head. Soon, he gives me privacy so that I can enter the tub full of warm water, and to be honest, by the time I entered I don't wanna leave.

1 Hour Later

     "...Oh, dammit, I'm pruning. Must've lost track of time", I muttered and very carefully exit the tub, as I wrapped myself up in a bathrobe I open the door and shivered from the wave of cold air, "L-Leo?" "Hey! Sorry, Mikey needed my help", I hummed out understanding and I follow him back to his room to see a fresh set of pajamas. "What'd I'd do to deserve you?~" "Heh~ That's actually my lines~", Leo replied with a smug look.

After getting dressed I climbed into bed once more, I covered myself with Leo's bedsheets, although I suspected that he put three blankets and puts the three together so that I'd not notice. The sweetheart~ Either way, it's much comfier than the tub. Letting out a yawn I was drifting in and out of sleep, But not before I heard my champion walking in, holding a tray of (F/S/F) with crackers and a glass of water. 

     Just as I was about to grab the spoon, Leo smirks pulling away, "Leooo gimme the spoon" "C'mon (Y/N) let me spoil you~", he said smiling innocently despite knowing full well what he was doing. Pouting and rolling my eyes, I let him feed me the soup. The soup tastes good, and it's soothing my throat just right. Mikey probably helped him make this. It didn't take too long for me to finish the whole meal and let out yet another yawn, this time drifting to sleep into dreamland. But not before I felt arms around me and heard the one worried turtle that has taken care of me from the very beginning. 

"...I wish my love can cure you (Y/N), please get well soon. I love you 💙"

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