☂️ Donatello X Sea-Naga! Reader ☂️

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~ Donnie's P.O.V. ~

- Southern California; Leo Carrillo State Beach  -

- 8:50 pm -

     My brother and I snuck into a state park in the southern areas of California; April told us. Lately, some talk about an unknown creature at either the South or North beach of Leo Carrillo beach. She sent us pictures of what seems to be snake tracks but, these snake tracks on the sand appear a lot wider than an anaconda, and she seems to speculate that it could be a mutant. "Ok, so, which beach should we go?" April said, and Raphael shrugs, "I think we should split up, but one of us should stay here in case there's trouble," he announced, and we discuss the plan.

Mikey and Leo stay at the rendevous point, while April and Raph scout out the North section of the beach, and I scout out the South. After debates, we all finally agreed, and I use my gear to get to the South Beach quicker. 

     So far, not much is happening, but I did notice some clues; there was snake shedding, although in many pieces, and it looks like whoever or whatever it is; is trying to hide it under the sand. In all honestly, I expect it to look old, but it seems fresh. Like it was recently removed, it's not pale white like how typical snake species have; it's more (S/C), which may be unusual for a reptile to have. I better keep a sample just in case; it could be just an extremely rare reptile of the sort.

Later on, I stumbled across a cave; April told me that this area of the beach is famous for rock arches and small sea caves

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Later on, I stumbled across a cave; April told me that this area of the beach is famous for rock arches and small sea caves. Maybe the reptile made itself home in one of them; I set up a transmitter so that I won't get lost and begun turning on some lights on my gear. I looked around. Much to my amazement, the cave is illuminated by the moon; it just looks enchanting. Like it came from a world of Neverland, a world of pirates, mermaids, and fairies.

     As I got more in-depth, I found a nest; a nest made for a snake, due to the same snake sheddings I collected wrapped around the dry seaweeds and sticks. I cant imagine the size of the creature itself; the nest already looks like a queen-size bed or more extensive. It wasn't long until I felt such eyes on me, just from that made me grip my bo staff tighter, breaking a sweat and feeling my heart pounding.

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