🍊 Michaelangelo X Florist! Reader 🍊

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❧ (Y/N): Your name

❧ (H/C): Hair color

❧ (E/C): Eye color

❧ (F/C): Favorite Color

❧ (P/K/N): Pet kitten name


~ Your P.O.V. ~

- 11:30pm -

    Whew, that's the last chore on my list; it not easy being a florist, but being surrounded by such beautiful sculptures Mother Nature made is well worth all the hard work. Especially if you live in a city like New York, it's nearly Autumn, meaning its almost hibernation for the warm seasoned flowers and shrubs. Tonight, I plan to visit my favorite turtles for maybe a show marathon on the Gotham series, who knows, but I know it's going t obe awesome, so I better get ready! As I got to my room, I got a phone call on my t-phone, "Hello, your talking to (Y/N) at (Y/N)'s flower shop, how can I help you?~", I answered and I hear my crush; Mikey, laughing from my response. 

"Hey (Y/N)!~ I can't wait for you to come down to the Lair!~ It's going to be so much fun!" You sound excited!~" I said, putting him on speaker while I change. The night is getting better because we're all also going to visit the Hidden City! I always wanted to see there; it beats seeing the tall buildings you pass by on every block. Mikey told me that whenever the gang wants to chill at the Hidden City Hotel, he'd let me know so that he'd take me somewhere special. In all honestly, when I first hear this, my heart pounds, and after when I got home, I squealed like a fangirl that went on a meet and greeted their favorite boy band.

     As I put on my (F/C) sweater, I finish getting ready, I bring my suitcase with my necessities, and I climb to the rooftops through the fire escape to see the four turtles

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     As I put on my (F/C) sweater, I finish getting ready, I bring my suitcase with my necessities, and I climb to the rooftops through the fire escape to see the four turtles.  "Hey, guys! I'm all packed!~" I said, and Mikey hugged me "(Y/N)! You look so cute!", he said making me giggle out with a faint blush. "I'm so excited! I can barely stand still! But how do we get there?" I asked in curiosity, and I jump on Raph's shell alongside Mikey. "We'll show you, hang on tight!~" Raph said, and we begin our journey to the Hidden City. 

But to my surprise, we arrived at a construction site? Wait, how is this going to get us to the Hidden City? "Uh, why are we at the construction site, guys? Is there something we have to do to get there?" I asked questionably, and Mikey helps me down off of Raph's shell. "We're going to show you something cool, show her/him/them, Michael~," Leon said and motioned Mikey to the stacked up bricks who has a strange coin-like object in his hands. 


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