Chapter 1

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Slumping down in your bed you let out a sigh of defeat. You've been up for hours applying for jobs but every single one slaps you in the face saying 'you're not qualified'. 

You've heard those words for years now, whether it's in a different phrase it still means the same thing. It still hurts the same way every time. 

As more time passes you apply for a couple more jobs, your eyes are now burning from the computer screen being in your face for hours that every time you blink a tear forms. Taking that as a sign you shut your computer and set it on the night stand that's pushed against your bed and reach for your lamp that's barely even radiating light and switch it off. 

You decide to wait until tomorrow to see whether you get approved for any jobs since you're tired and you have to wake up early because you decided this is the year you were going to get your life together.

 After your devastating breakup with your ex you've had no motivation whatsoever. Finding out that he was cheating for over a year nearly sent you jumping off a roof but you're not that weak. You've decided to show him what he lost. 

Not because you want him back, hell no, but because he always doubted you. He made you feel like you were never good enough, he pushed you but not in a good way.

 He made you feel like you were nothing without him, which in truth you're so much more now that he's gone. And you can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees that. 


The alarm you regretfully set up starts screaming in your ear causing your heart to almost explode. Out of instinct you press snooze and groan as you wrap yourself even more into your blanket than you already were.

 Before you can doze off you force your eyes open and stare at the ceiling that was in the form of cottage cheese which made you cringe every time you looked at it. "I need to move" you sigh as you drag your body out of your bed and into your small bathroom that looks centuries old. 

After brushing your teeth you get dressed in some warm workout clothing. The elastic band that was sewn into your pants snaps as you let go of them so they can hug your waist. 

It's still chilly since it's not even February yet so you put on a jacket and your sneakers, snatching your water bottle and walking out your front door. 

The crisp air whips at your face as you jog in a neighborhood park that you always thought was sketchy when you were a kid but soon adapted to the eery feeling. You turn a corner and run on a small sidewalk that hugs the busy morning traffic next to you.

 You can feel the irritation and impatience coming from the people who sit in their cars, waiting for the light to turn green so they can make it to their destinations on time. 

You always find it calming to watch people, it might seem creepy but it's so interesting to see what everyone does and how they all act. You can't help but admire the world around you as you continue to jog. Such a beautiful world, if only people didn't ruin it. 

Particles of trash blow down the street causing your heart to ache, you just wish people were more mindful of this planet. 

Your mind wanders as you continue to gaze at the buildings and shops that pass by you. It would be nice to be able to go to these small shops sometime, they need company and you feel as if they don't get enough of it. 


Kicking your shoes off you let out a long breath of air from your morning run. It's been a while since you've gone on a run and as much as you don't want to admit it, it was actually nice. You never really have been a fan of running but today, today it was different. 

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