Chapter 17

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"Good morning Miss Lee" Your boss says while walking into his office, a bright smile on his face.

"What makes you so happy?" You ask before looking back at your laptop and organizing todays schedule. Feeling his eyes on you, you look up and he's grinning widely making your heart jump.

He leans back in his office chair and rests the back of his head on his hands, "Just a good morning" he says happily which makes you smile.

You need this type of distraction, a few nights ago was when you found out Jungguk didn't care about you anymore. He stopped replying to your texts after you confronted him about that night. He looked so guilty and pale you thought he was going to pass out.

You can remember the look on his face as if it was yesterday.


A text from Jungguk pops up on your phone screen and your heart races. It's early and you're not in the mood to talk to him. Turning your phone off you look back at the papers in front of you before glancing up at your boss who's typing away on his computer, a pair of round glasses sitting on his nose.

Your eye catches sight of his left earring that's shining from the widows light, it's a small loop shape that slightly sways when he moves his head.

As if he can feel your eyes on him he leans his head to the side to look at you and you quickly look down at your papers, your pen still in between your fingers.

"Did you need something?" he asks and you slowly look back up to find him still looking at you.

"No" you quickly say before writing something on a piece of paper.

Your phone buzzes again and it's another text from Jungguk which makes you feel sick. You feel terrible for ignoring him especially since he's not even aware that you know what he was doing last night.

And yeah you gave him food but it's not like he knows it's from you, you didn't put a note on it or anything since you expected to give it to him personally.

Jimin's phone starts to ring and for a second your stomach drops. Looking up at him you watch as he takes the call and his eyes instantly go to you.

"Yes why?" he says into the phone, his eyes still on you.

You knit your brows in confusion and he looks out the window. "If she's not responding it probably means she doesn't want to talk." he says in hushed tone.

"Yes, but she's doing her work." he glances at you then back at the window.

Jimin leans back in his chair while rolling his eyes. "Look, it's not my problem, deal with it yourself." He hangs up and looks at you before entwining his fingers on his torso.

"What?" you ask genuinely confused.

He sighs and sits up straight so he can see you better, "It's  nothing, are you almost done with those papers?" He asks, nodding his head at the stack of documents in front of you.

You look at the few papers you've finished and then back at the rest of the pile that hasn't been touched, "Almost".

Taking a drink from your coffee that you had gotten earlier you slightly cringe. It doesn't taste as good as it did when it was hot so you set it back down and drink some water instead.

A couple knocks from the door get your attention and you look over to see who it is almost choking in the process. You're at a loss of words as you watch Jungguk walk into the office.

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