Chapter 8

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The doorbell rings and you nervously balance from your toes to your heels trying to calm yourself. You're standing right in front of your boss' home and even though he said it was for work, you can't help but feel like maybe there was another reason he invited you over. You can't let the thought get to you so you quickly think of something else.

Your mind wanders and now you're slightly annoyed with yourself as Jungguk stirs through your brain. The way he touched you earlier sends goosebumps all over your skin, his hands on your body, his lips on yours and his deep voice undulating against your brain. 

It's addicting and you feel slightly ashamed thinking of him as you stand on the porch where the house of your Professor is, the large building towering over you.

Your heart pounds in your chest from the sound of a lock clicking. Your eyes look up and meet Kim's your breath instantly dissipating. His tall figure looks more approachable than usual, his white Celine shirt is loose and gray sweatpants hang low almost to the point of falling off his hips.

"Hi" he says, looking at you. He notices your eyes scanning his appearance and a sly smirk tugs at his lips. Stepping to the side he watches as you look into his eyes and hesitantly step into his open house. Sliding your shoes off you wait for instructions so it doesn't feel like you're just forcing yourself in his place.

"Hi" you choke out.

"Make yourself at home while I get the things I need. Would you like a drink?" you follow him as he leads you to his living room after closing his front door.

"What do you have?"

"Orange juice, apple juice, water, soda, alcohol..." He pauses and watches as you settle for an answer.

"I'll have some water for now.. Thank you." you smile and give him a small bow of the head.

He nods, "I'll be back in a couple minutes." he gives you a fast smile before leaving you to yourself, alone, in his house, with no one else, so you sit down on a couch to forget about it.

It feels strange to be here, it's slightly uncomfortable and maybe it's from all the nice interior or him, you're not quit sure. You play with your fingers and wait patiently until your phone buzzes in your pocket and quickly you shove your hand in your pants to retrieve it.

A message from Jungguk pops up on your screen and you wonder when you gave him your number. You know you did, you can feel it but you just can't pin-point when it was. Pressing on the message you read the words and your face instantly heats up.

Baby, are you free to come over so I can show you how badly I miss you? ~JK

The memory of earlier comes to mind again and you giggle to yourself. You're so tempted to just leave and go straight to wherever he is, but, if you do than what would your boss do? You can't help but feel a little bit of curiousness as to what he would do if he noticed you gone. 

Would he do nothing? Would he forget you were here and not think twice? You don't know, but you want to.

"I put some ice in it if that's okay." A low voice invades your thoughts. Quickly shutting your phone off you look up at him who's reaching a hand your way with what you assume is the drink you asked for.

"That's perfect. Thank you." you take hold of the cold glass from his hands, your fingers lightly brushing against his. The look in his eye switches to something you can't quite recognize and it makes your insides swirl.

"S-sorry.." you choke out and bring your drink closer to you from slight embarrassment.

Smiling, he looks at the floor and slowly sits down next to you. "I appreciate you coming over."

My Boss | 18+Where stories live. Discover now