Chapter 11

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You can feel the regret and guilt build up as you walk into Mr Park's home. You desperately want to hide away and roll up in a ball but you can't so you look at the floor instead. If you don't look at anyone you won't feel so bad, right? 

"You made it!" a familiar voice chimes and you want to throw up. 

"Miss Lee it's good to see you again." Jimin says and you slowly look up to be respectful but your face instantly gets hot as soon as his eyes lock with yours. 

You give him a smile accompanied with a bow and he watches your every move. You feel like you're walking on pins and needles which is not the most comfortable thing in the world. There's a fire in his eyes as he continues to look at you and even though you want to look away you can't. He pulls you in almost to the point of suffocation. 

Taehyung looks around the room as you absentmindedly pick at your nails. His body tenses and you look up at him in confusion but he doesn't pay any mind to you, instead you follow where he's looking and as soon as your eyes land on what Taehyung is so invested in your heart skips a beat. 

Excitement fills you and the uneasiness of being here starts to leave as your eyes lock on Jungguks. That's not all you feel though, you're confused. You're not going to say you don't want him here because you really do, but why did he come to this dinner? Was he privately invited? 

"Shall we start dinner?" Jimin raises his voice earning the attention of the other people in his home who were having small talk. We all follow him to the kitchen where a long table is fully set up with fancy dishes. 

Jungguk keeps glancing your way and you silently hope he sits next to you even though you're already here with someone. Taehyung pulls out a chair for you and as you sit down you look at Jungguk again who is walking toward you. 

You watch your boss and your friend both sit next to you and you're not going to lie, you thought it would be better if you sat next to both of them but the vibes they are giving off toward each other are making you uncomfortable. You can sense the uneasiness in the room. 

"Thank you all for coming, there were some people who weren't able to attend tonight so let's raise a glass to you all who did." Jimin stands and lifts his glass of wine along with everyone else as we make a toast. 

"I'm sure your wondering what this dinner is about, I have good news for all of you." He says before fixing his tie. 

His eyes roam around the room until he fixates on you for what feels like too long. Everyone fixes their postures as they wait for what's about to be said. 

"Kim Industries, Min corporation, and I are all investing in each others companies starting next week which means our buildings and knowledge will be shared with each other. We have started building another office building which is 3 times the size as Kim Industries so I brought you all here to celebrate our collaboration, cheers!." 

Jimin lifts his glass into the air and smiles at everyone as they clap and smile back. You just barely joined this company so it doesn't seem like a big deal but you decide to clap anyway. After all, it's still going to be the same right? You'll still be Mr Kim's secretary.. Right?

Taehyung nudges your side and you look up at him with confusion but he's just smiling. He doesn't even look at you and the awkwardness comes back. You must be the only one feeling this way, you feel left out even though you're right here surrounded by people. You're body is present but your mind is in the clouds. 

A warmth soothes your skin and you look down to see what's causing it but as soon as you do you aggressively inhale through your nose and look around the room hoping no one can see the hand on your thigh. 

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