Chapter 21

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Taehyung's POV

My knuckles turn a pale shade of white as I grip onto the steering wheel of my car harder than I ever have. I didn't want to believe what Jimin had said, I had hoped it was a dream but the sound of screaming from my phone proves to me that this is in fact not a dream.

You're gone and I'm going to make sure that the person that took you is going to go through hell and back. I'll do whatever it takes to get you back unharmed and safe.

And I mean it, whatever it takes.

No matter how hard I press on the peddle or how fast I go, I still feel like i'm going too slow, like I'm going backwards.

Every light I pass feels like the same light, almost like I'm going through a loop in time, like this moment just keeps repeating itself. It's suffocating and I feel like i'm getting no where.

"Careful!" Jungguk gasps and I swerve to the side barely missing a parked car. My heart bangs against my chest and my body shakes. "Sorry" I say in a small voice and I hear Jungguk heavily breathe.

I promise i'm not a bad driver, I aced my driving test the first try but for some reason the thought of you being taken from me is making me have sudden impulses, and not good ones.

Driving is the last thing I should be doing right now, running on four hours of sleep doesn't help either. But I'm doing it for you, no matter how tired or how terrible I feel you will always be my first choice.


"Taehyung, relax." Jungguk says softly and my shoulders slightly slump down. He's right but how am I supposed to be calm when you're somewhere out there, somewhere I don't know.

"Fuck this" I scoff and as I make another turn my eyes fall on the gas station I'm sure Jimin was talking about. It's the closest one to his house except I can't help but overthink this.

What if it's the wrong gas station? Our phone call cut off and that is the only source of connection I have with him.

Turning into the parking lot my tires screech against the pavement and before I can even think I'm pushing the door open that annoyingly dings when I rush in, my hair now dripping from the rain.

I'm trying my hardest not to lose my shit but once my eyes fall on an unconscious Jimin with a familiar back facing me, my blood runs cold and in less than a second the man is sliding across the floor.

He groans in pain but instead of worrying about him, I feel a rush of satisfaction wash over me as I watch him struggle to breathe from the hard kick I served his back.

His eyes are red and he gasps for air even though it didn't feel like I kicked him that hard. Suddenly I'm aware of the situation and I feel the confusion slowly creeping in.

I turn my neck and my eyes instantly lock with scared ones. He looks at me with fear I've never seen before, a type of fear you can't even describe.

He pushes past me and falls onto his knees next to Jimin and places his head on his chest. For a few seconds my heart stops just watching him and Jungguk sniffs before grabbing Jimin's shoulders and shaking him.

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