Chapter 22 ~ -END- REMAKE.

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Liu's P. O. V:
it's been over half an hour and (Y/N)'s still hasn't come home. I'm getting worried, has something happened to her? I wanted to find out. Since she gave me her phone number, I decided to call her.

I rang her, no answer. It went straight to voicemail. I rang her the second time, still, no answer. I was about to give up until I heard a buzzing sound, fuzzing in my hand. I glanced at it, (Y/N) was calling me.

"L-Liu...Come find me."

I was too shocked to speak. It sounded like she was gasping for breath, like she was dying. Who could have done this to my beautiful girl? To my best friend? My body filled up with anger as I said;

"Don't worry baby, I'm coming!"

I sprinted out of the house, ignoring the glares I got from the neighbors. I ran as fast as I could until I reached then city. I had to admit, it was beautiful. But not as beautiful as (Y/N), no one can beat her perfection.

I ran past the traffic lights, ignoring the horns beeping at me. I ran at the sliding doors, and I unfortunately, hit my head. It quite hurt, ouch...

I looked all around the store, no (Y/N) to be seen. The only place I haven't checked was the frozen section, I decided to go there. I reached the frozen section and there stood a member of staff, checking the prices of the delicious desserts. They all looked pretty tasty to me.

"Excuse me, have you see a girl with (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes and is wearing a (F/C) shirt on? She turned around and screamed. I growled and told her to be quiet, I didn't want any attention.

"Look, tell me answers. My girl's missing. I need to find her!" The woman gulped.

"N-No, there wasn't anyone here with those kind of features. No one at all.." I let out a grunt of frustration and stomped out of the store, passing the security guards.

So she's not in the store, where is she?

I ran towards the city again, and saw tall buildings and street lamps. I eventually came across a suspicious looking alleyway which was between a building and a so called 'cafe'. I decided to go look for (Y/N) there.

I ran through the alleyway and sure enough, my sweetheart was there. But my heart sank to my knees when I saw her.

(Y/N) was covered in blood, a carved smile was painted across her mouth. She had. Stabbings everywhere. I realised who did this...

Jeff did this..

I ran to (Y/N)'s aid. "(Y/N)? Oh god!  P-Please No!" (Y/N) smiled at me. She stilled looked happy, even when she's in pain.

"Liu, I'm going to die. Please, I would appreciate it if you use that knife over there and-"

"No, (Y/N) No! My only love please! I love you so much! I can't leave you! I've already lost my. family, I don't want to lose you aswell! Please (Y/N), what would I do without you?"

"What you've been doing Liu. Making these young, beautiful and daring girls, go to s-s-sleep..." And with that, (Y/N) closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, forever. My eyes filled with tears. My only love...


"Come on (Y/N)! Open your eyes! Please, wake up now! P-Please..." I cried, not believing that she was dead.

I broke down into tears for more than ten minutes until I decided to make her a special burial. But first, I wanted to give her a stitched smile like mine..

I got a needle and some thread from my pocket and sewed her cheeks up, into a smile. I felt my own stitches, then I felt hers. It's was hard to believe that you were alive seconds ago. I got up and picked her up bridal style, taking her to the nearest cemetery.

I dug up a grave with an old shovel and placed her in it. I then placed the needle and thread  into the grave, in memory. I was still crying as I filled up the grave with dirt. She doesn't deserve this. But even in death. She didn't deserve to die.

I then found a empty gravestone and placed it on grave. I felt a black Sharpie in my jeans pocket and wrote on the gravestone.

~Stitches ❤~

I smiled sadly as I heard Police sirens. I blew a kiss at (Y/N) for the very last time and sprinted towards the forest...

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