Chapter 13

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You were in a place like heaven, with golden platforms and fluffy clouds. You looked around. You quite liked the place. But despite it being heaven, you felt alone. You were still gazing around when you heard a voice from ahead.

"Hey beautiful!" the voice said, becoming louder. You realized that it was Liu. You ran over and hugged him.

"You're here too?" you smiled, widely. 

"Yes, I'm glad I've found you." Liu said, kissing your forehead. "I was looking all over for you!"

You blushed a bright shade of pink. Liu felt your hair with his soft hands.

"I love you so much (Y/N). Your my world and my best friend. I want us to be together forever."

"Same here Liu!"

You were still hugging him when you felt a sharp pain flow through your neck. You couldn't speak or breath. Liu had stabbed you in the neck, with a knife. You tried to speak, but all you could do was gurgle. The once heaven like place was now turned into a hellish void. You looked up, with tears in your eyes, whilst Liu was laughing like a mad man. "Now we can be together! FOREVER!" he laughed as he watched you die. His laugh muffled throughout the darkness.

You woke up straight away. You were sweating all over. You lifted your eyes up to see Liu...on top of you! Your heart skipped a beat with surprise and fear.

"Liu.. " you whispered, poking him. He moaned and looked up.  "Mmm?" He yawned. He noticed the look on your face, filled with fear. "What's up cupcake? " You looked down.

"I-I had a bad dream." You stuttered. Liu sighed and smiled at you. "Aw little pumpkin, what was it about?" he asked.

Little pumpkin?

"I-I can't remember.." You lied, as you didn't want Liu to know. "But all I know is that I was in a hellish void." Liu leaned over and hugged you.

"I'm always here (Y/N), even through the hard times." He cooed.

"I know Liu." You said. He smiled and gave you a kiss on the lips. "You going to go back to sleep?" he asked smiling. You nodded and drifted off onto your soft pillows, with Liu still ontop of you.

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