Chapter 8

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Liu got in front of you, getting his knife out of his pocket."Who's there?" Liu said,putting his arm around you.

"HaHa Protecting your 'girlfriend' are you?" The cold and raspy voice laughed behind the bushes. Your eyes widened, you knew exactly who it was. You wanted to run, leaving Liu behind. As much as you liked Liu,  did not want to see that fight all over again.

Liu looked at you. "Don't worry (Y/N), I'll protect you, my darling." He said, smiling weakly. You smiled back at him.

Liu was still embracing you when you saw a kitchen knife fly through the air and stab Liu in the back. You screamed as you saw him fall to the concrete ground in pain. That man you saw last night came out from the bushes, laughing insanely.

"I guess I win brother!" Jeff said as he forcefully pulled his knife out of Liu's back. You looked around and you saw a big sharp stick on the ground. You picked it up and ran towards Jeff. You hit Jeff in the face with it, making him have a irritable red mark. He stumbled back, grabbing his cheek and chuckled lightly.

"Awh, defending your 'boyfriend' are you? That's adorable." He pouted. He tried stabbing you multiple times but you dodged the attack.

Liu got up slowly and got up, running towards Jeff with his knife weakly. Unfortunately, Jeff saw him.

"Ha! weakling!" Jeff pointed and held his stomach in laughter. Liu ran up to Jeff and stabbed Jeff in his stomach. It was successful. Jeff looked up at Liu. Liu looked up at Jeff, rage filling up his body. "Liu..You've done it.." Jeff said as he saw blood coming out from his stomach.

"Nobody touches MY girl!" Liu hissed as he started turning the knife clockwise while still in Jeff's stomach. Jeff fell to the floor, helpless.

Dead or not, You didn't care. You were just happy Liu was alive. "Liu, let me help you." You said as you got a needle and a thread from your bag and started sewing up Liu's wound. You didn't know why you carried a needle and a thread in your pocket, you just did in case there was a emergency.

When you finished sewing Liu's wound up, you threw the needle and the extra thread in the bin. You look up at Liu's eyes, embracing them. Liu's eyes were just too beautiful to miss.

"Your eyes are gorgeous. Why doesn't anyone tell you that?" Liu said, leaning forward and kissing you. When the kiss broke, you smiled widely.

"Well maybe because..I don't have any friends. Everyone hates me and thinks I'm just a piece of garbage. I don't think it's fair. But that's life, I guess.." Liu frowned at you saying this. He pulled you into a tight hug.

"Hey, babycakes! I'm your friend! You're no way garbage. I love you with all my heart and always will. I can't believe those girls pick on you! I love you, my best friend.." You thought Liu saying this was just beautiful. You have never had a best friend before. You have always wanted one and here, it was.

"I-I love you too Liu."

Liu smiled as he held your hand, walking you back to your place, with no interruptions for once.

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