Chapter 2

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It took you more than an hour to get to your house. The door was locked but luckily, you had a key. You unlocked it with your (F/C) key and entered the dirty, old place. Your parents were gone, as always. Your parents were always going into pubs, going on holidays together and that kind of stuff, leaving you to look after the house alone.

You sat down on the couch, grabbing the remote and switching the TV on. You flicked through the channels until you came across ( Y/F/P). You smiled as you started watching it. While you were halfway through your program, you heard a banging noise, you looked around and saw nothing. You turned your head towards the TV and started watching it again.

When your program finished, You switched the TV off. You stretched your arms and yawned, looking at the digital clock. "8.00?" You said to yourself. "Bleedy hell!"

You went upstairs to get ready for bed because you were that tired. You brushed your teeth, hair and got in your favourite sleepwear. You took your phone from your desk and slipped into your duvet. Since it wasn't that late, you decided to look at your Facebook. When you opened it, it appeared that you had one nofication and one message. You tapped on the message first, because that's what you always did. You frowned and sighed heavily. Great, guess who it was from..


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