Chapter 15

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Nearly 500 reads? I think I'm going to cry...Thank you!!

You and Liu immediately ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. You were stunned to see pots and pans everywhere. The cupboards were open and food was all over the floor. You panicked instantly.

"Liu..." You whispered. "Who do you think could of done this?" Liu looked down and took a huge sigh.


"Jane? Who's Jane?" You asked curiously. "A friend of mine." He replied, walking around the room. You simply followed.

"Jane?" Liu called out whilst looking around. "Hey Stitchy!" A voice echoed in the darkness. "Don't call me that!" Liu hissed as a Woman came out from the shadows. She had black raven hair, Black eyes and a black feminine smile. She wore a black dress with matching black heels. She also carried a knife. You hid behind Liu, grabbing his waist lightly. Jane noticed.

"Who is this then?" She grinned. "Your new girlfriend?" Liu rolled his eyes.

"Actually, she's my best friend.." He turned to you. You blushed. She laughed, smiling at you. She seems nice, don't you think? You thought so.

"(Y/N), this is Jane." Liu said. You waved. She waved back. "H-Hello.." You said shyly. She cooed. She thought you were 'cute'. 

"Why did you trash my kitchen?" You asked seriously. "This is your house?" She said, surprised. You raised your eyebrows. "I did not know that..." You gritted your teeth.

"I was just looking for Jeff..Sorry" She frowned. You laughed under your breath. "It's okay, me and Liu can clean this up." You said, proudly.

"Jeff's not in this house." Said Liu, giving her a cold look. She sighed in annoyance.

"Want to look tough in front of your girlfriend are you." She grinned. Liu was taken aback. "N-No I-" Jane laughed. "Don't hide it stitches!" She giggled. "What did I say?" Don't call me that!" Liu said pissed.

"I'm only kidding! Gosh take a chill-pill!" She chuckled. She looked around and crossed her arms. "I better get going now. You know, hunting Jeff and all that shit!" She said as she exited the room and entered the shadows.

You laughed as Liu blushed. "should we clean this up?" You asked nicely. "Do you want to? I don't mind at all." Liu said with pleasure.

"Let's do it later. I really can't be asked at the moment." You giggled as you led him into the living room. You pushed him on the sofa and kissed him. When you broke you both smiled at each other. Liu got up as you sat on his lap. You turned on the Xbox and played on it for abit.

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