13: Unexpected

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Sweat beaded on my forehead as my eyes slowly fluttered open. A soft breeze blew a couple strands across my face as the grass rustled around me. Groaning, I sat up in a meadow. The sunshine dimmed as it turned into a sunset. I stood to my feet and looked down at the white sundress I wore. The cool grass pricked at my bare feet as I walked through the tall grass up to a dirt path. I followed the trail until I came upon a fork in the road. One way led towards the sunset and had birds chirping away while the other path was dark and eery. Even the tries looked scary.

I chose the safer path and made my way towards the sunset. Butterflies fluttered by as I made my way towards a bench. That's when I saw a man sitting on it. The man wore a white button up long sleeve and black pants. He also did not wear shoes.

"Daryl?" I whispered in disbelief.

Daryl stood to his feet and turned to me. The shirt wasn't completely buttoned up which revealed his chest. A small smile spread onto Daryl's face as he opened his arms for me.

"Come here." His sultry voice soothed me. Tears of joy dropped down my face as I ran into his arms and held onto him for dear life.

"I've missed you." I whispered as Daryl rubbed my back.

"I've missed ya too." Daryl's hands moved down to my waist as my hands slid to his chest.

"Where are we?"

"You tell me." Daryl stood beside me as we watched fish jump out of the pond in front of us. Fireflies buzzed around us as a coyote howled in the distance.

"I can't quite put my finger on it but it feels familiar." My brows knitted together as Daryl held my hand. My cheeks burned red as we watched the sunset together in a peaceful silence.

It's said that while you are sleeping your subconscious mind can do whatever you want it to do. It can provide the reassurance you need in order to feel better. What reassurance did I need? My heart was torn out of my chest the other day by Daryl. So, why was I still dreaming of him? Deep down I knew I still cared for him. But it's hard to love someone that doesn't feel the same. Part of me wished I could flick a switch that would turn off my emotions.

"Morning darling." Negan kissed my shoulder as he pulled me closer. I laid on my side while Negan spooned me. The warmth his body provided practically made me melt.

"Morning." I whispered. "Sleep well?"

"Like the dead." Negan laughed at his own joke as he slid on his boxers and went to the bathroom. Laying on my back I sprawled myself across the bed and stared at the ceiling. Today marked a full month being in the sanctuary and one week of sleeping with Negan. Once upon a time Negan was able to fill the void that was caused by so much loss but now he couldn't even fill the one Daryl left. No matter how much I tried I just couldn't seem to fix it or build over it.

"Negan?" Dwight knocked at the door. Groaning, I rolled my eyes as I wrapped the sheet around my nude body and opened the door.

"Really?" Dwight averted his gaze.

"What do you want?" I frowned, displeased by his presence.

"Is Negan here?" Dwight ignored my unamused tone.

"He is. I'll tell him you stopped by." I started closing the door but Dwight stuck his foot in the way.

"I suggest you move your foot before I break it!" I threatened.

"You wouldn't do that." Dwight crossed his arms over his chest.

"Wanna bet?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

Daryl's Precious Gem: Iridescent (Daryl Dixon/ Negan Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now