45: Time Away

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Third Person POV:

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Third Person POV:

Daryl heard the engine of the motorcycle roar and immediately regretted the words he had said.

"No," He said under his breath as he raced out of the trailer towards the gates. But it was too late. Daryl's heart sank as he watched Ruby drive away on the bike. His hands raked through his hair.

"Shit!" He cursed as he jogged towards the gate. Before he could climb into the car Rick stopped him.

"Give her some space." Rick held onto the Corolla's old starting-to-rust door.

"I'm not taking advice from you again! Look at where that got me!" Daryl raised his voice in frustration. He had enough of everything and everyone. All he wanted was to be with Ruby and figure things out.

Rick jogged around and hopped in the passenger seat while Daryl started up the car and began driving. The car ride was silent as Daryl drove them back to Alexandria. Daryl was thankful for it though as it helped him calm down and think over things more clearly.

Daryl was furious with Ruby for seeing Negan and especially for keeping it a secret! He wanted to hate Ruby for it but the thought of living without her was unbearable. So, Daryl decided he'd hear her out. Listen to her side of the story and then go from there to figure out what to do. One thing was for sure in his mind, he did not want to lose his precious gem.

"What if she's not here?" Rick cleared his throat, snapping Daryl out of his thoughts. The gate to Alexandria opened and allowed them to drive through. Barnes and a newbie waved, greeting them with a friendly smile.

"I know she's not." Daryl muttered, knowing well enough that his Ruby wouldn't return to Alexandria after everything that had happened.

There was only one place she'd go and that was home. The place she didn't want to leave and where they should've stayed; The Coalition.

Daryl grabbed his gear out of the back seat before making his way to his motorcycle. Ruby had taken his old one, thankfully, and left him with his newer bike.

"Don't close the gate!" Daryl shouted at Barnes.

As Daryl adjusted his crossbow to the back of his bike Rick approached him.

"I still don't think this is a good idea." Rick shook his head.

"I ain't interested in what you think is a good idea." Daryl shot him a look. Daryl was still not pleased that Rick and Michonne continued to ask Ruby to visit Negan after she said no the first time!

"She can handle herself." Rick grabbed the handle bar.

"I know she can." Daryl narrowed his gaze, pulling the bike away from Rick. "Don't mean I can't be with her!"

When Rick tried to argue Daryl stopped him, "I'm going after her no matter what ya say. Better not stand in my way." 

Rick sighed and scratched the back of his neck, taking a step back and out of Daryl's path.

Daryl's Precious Gem: Iridescent (Daryl Dixon/ Negan Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now