22: Hole in the Wall

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It was an indescribable pleasure to trust the person next to me enough to fall asleep in their arms and know no harm would befall me. The warmth of his body, the touch of his skin and his musky scent propelled me into a blank state of mind. For once I didn't have nightmares nor did I fear falling asleep and waking up elsewhere. Daryl's rough skin traced over my tattoos as I began to stir awake. Sadly, as fast as it started it stopped.

"Mmm. Why'd you stop?" I grumbled.

"Didn't mean to wake ya." Daryl mumbled.

"Trust me, this is my second favourite way to wake up." I yawned, rolling onto my back as Daryl laid on his side.

"What's the first?" A smirk tugged at Daryl's lips.

"I'm sure you can figure that one out." I winked. Daryl cupped my chin as he planted a soft kiss on my lips. I savoured the moment as it quickly passed.

"We'd better head on out." Daryl kissed my forehead before climbing out of the bed and dressing himself. Following suit, I dressed into my clothes and prepared myself for the journey ahead.

"The airs brisk." Daryl stated as he opened the front door.

"Welcome to my life." I laughed as I buttoned up my wool winter jacket over my layers of clothing which consisted of a t-shirt, a pullover, and my leather jacket. Joseph, Dane and I had gone on a supply run in the late summer. We managed to find a hiking/ camping store that had everything a survivalist could ever need! We took everything from lanterns, sleeping bags, tents, hiking gear, kayak's and winter clothing. My old combat boots were becoming extremely worn out so I managed to find a new pair of steel toed work boots! This kept me toasty warm. But more importantly our finds kept the group warm and prepared for winter.

As we approached the front gate Dane and Dustin greeted us.

"Where are you off to in a hurry?" Dane asked, glaring down Daryl.

"We're heading to Alexandria." I said matter of factly.

"Your father..." Dustin started.

"I don't care what my father said!" I cut him off. Dustin lowered his head while Dane continued glaring at Daryl.

"What are ya glaring at boy?" Daryl stood closer to me.

"I don't know, you tell me." Dane said cockily.

"Stop it! We are on the same side for Christ's sake!" I stood between the two as I knew that Daryl wouldn't hesitate to show Dane what he was capable of. "Daryl and I are joining the others to plan the war ahead."

"Leaving without saying goodbye?" Dad walked up to us with a rifle slung across his shoulder. My father and I glared at each other until Daryl broke the silence.

"We need to head out. The sooner we plan, the faster we end this war!" Daryl grumbled.

"And what do you think you're doing?" My father narrowed his gaze at me.

"I'm not ten anymore. That stare doesn't scare me." I rolled my shoulders, adjusting the quiver and sword sheath on my back.

"You're not joining that fight!" Dad shook his head.

"We're not fighting now." I rolled my eyes, "We're simply heading to Alexandria to meet with the others to devise a plan."

"She'll be safe. Ya have my word." Daryl spoke up.

My father glanced between Daryl and I before he released a sigh, "Alright. Once a plan has been made you come straight back here!"

"Yes sir." I glared at my father before turning to the gates. Daryl followed behind me as Dane opened the gate for us.

Daryl's Precious Gem: Iridescent (Daryl Dixon/ Negan Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now