Normal humans

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"What should we do today" Dj asked the other hosts "we should go visit the studio" Russo suggested "that's a great idea Russo" Dj said. "But where's Sabrina?" Dj asked "uhh last I heard from her was that she was at the studio getting some work done she hasn't appeared for hours" Russo said. "We must check there then, fast! Before she probably gets worried about us" Dj said. "Let's go now then" Russo said and they went on their way.

At the studio

"Sabrina?!" Dj said but another voice that was not Sabrina's announced "Sabrina huh? You want to see her?" "What did you do with Sabrina?!" Dj said starting to get defensive and protective of Sabrina. "Well letting you see her now wouldn't be that fun for me would it? So I will have you do a challenge, if you can find her boppers in this room then I will let you see her" the announcer said. "We are up to the challenge!" Russo said "start looking, your timer for 10 minutes because it's a challenge starts, now!" The announcer said. And Russo starts looking on one side of the room and Dj starts looking on the other side of the room "where could these star boppers be?" Dj said while searching they began to lose hope until they found the dance dance revolution machine and Russo did a pattern on it he did purple, blue, blue, green, green, purple on the machine and he had to try to get the pattern right a few times but he did it with practice and trying again. Something gray and purple popped out of the machines lid, it was Sabrina's boppers! And a clue as to what's going on a note that said "I need to warn you the announcer isn't who he seems he is an evil mastermind, he turned my sister into a pig and she is now stuck to work where he put her so please be careful I'm running out of time to put this here and to write this so please take this with you as a clue to stay away, good luck battlers and or hosts-Peggy" they all read the note and then put it away "congratulations you passed my challenge and found Sabrina's boppers in 7 minutes and 30 seconds, you may now see her" the announcer said. And the main door opened and Sabrina looked tired, she was in the merch room behind bars and in handcuffs "Sabrina!" Dj said. "Get out of here now, I-I can't explain what's happening to me!" Sabrina said and she started to grow pig ears and a curly pigs tail. Her skin also turns pink and her nose turns into a pig nose and one of her eyes turn purple and one turns black. She was fully a pig now and not a human anymore at all, Dj and Russo went into the back room when the announcers voice came on because they didn't wanna end up like Sabrina. The announcer then came into view as an actual person he had Cyan hair, red eyes, elfish like ears, had a hoodie and blue pants on and red shoes. He was forcing Sabrina to drink this green potion and she did because she was scared of him. She was then released from her cell and began searching for her friends to bring to the announcer. "Why would she listen to him and drink that, evil looking green thing?" Russo whispers "she looked scared so that's why she obeyed him and did as he said, she does get scared of scary people so that makes sense" Dj replies. Sabrina continues searching for them, ink starts flowing down one of her eyes kind of like tears but not really tears she tries to wipe them away but it kind of spreads into her arm and her arm burns she doesn't know what's happening to her at this moment but continues searching for the boys.

How the rb battles hosts were turned into pigs (s2, completed!)Where stories live. Discover now