Finding Mr P

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They stopped at this abandoned warehouse, technically it was a plant but they all got out of the car, Dj woke Russo up because Russo was napping on his shoulder again "Russo you love to nap on my shoulder don't you?" Dj said "well you always sit by me and I was tired so how else am I supposed to be comfortable?" Russo said "true, now let's go" Dj said and they got out of the car and Rose checked the door like she did last time "locked again, Sabrina do you have another Bobby pin? The other one broke I just checked" Rose said "yeah I do have another Bobby pin" Sabrina said and she gets another one out of her purse and hands it to Rose. Rose unlocks the door and inside it looks huge "how are we even supposed to find Mr P in this huge place?" Rose said "not sure, but we better start looking because Russo and Dj are getting worse, Russo now has the fatigue side effect and Dj kinda does as well and their arms are spreading, they can't even hold a sword anymore" Peggy explains. Dj and Russo both yawn "Russo, Dj? You sure you don't wanna stay in the car?" Devoun asks "sure, can we take Gorg pag as well? It's dangerous for him here and he can also get ptsd from when he used to be bad" Russo asked "sure, but he is my child so please take good care of him and here is his stuff as well" Devoun said and he hands Russo Gorg pag and a bag of stuff.

"We will take good care of Gorg pag, you guys just be safe and careful" Dj said and Russo and Dj went back to Sabrina's car with her keys and Gorg pag in their hands, once they were in the car they had room to spread out and they took turns watching Gorg pag and sleeping in shifts with him because they had to take care of him for Devoun.
With the rest of the group
"We need to find Mr P in this mansion of a place" Sabrina said "yeah, this place is huge but we should start where that pig is over there" Peggy said and they walked over there "hello!" Devoun said "hello Devoun" the pig said "how did you know my name?" Devoun said "well your very well known here in the plant" the pig said "interesting" Devoun said. "What are you all doing here though?" The pig said "well we are here to see Mr P, Russo and Dj and I need his help because the cure potion only did so much and didn't do everything and I'm still experiencing side effects" Sabrina explained "well Mr P is over there if you can try to talk to him" the pig said and they then walked over to Mr P "Mr P?" Sabrina said "hm? Oh a visitor,
I hate visitors" Mr P said and he gets out his gun and begins shooting but Sabrina and everyone else dodged the bullets. Sabrina gets out the picture and holds it up so that Mr P can see it "wh-where did you get that?" Mr P said, he started to break down into tears "i got it from Mrs P, your wife, she's alive but she's trapped, some people trapped her in a building in the city so she wrote a note on the back of this picture for you, but you will only get this picture if you help us" Sabrina said
"I will do anything to see my wife again" Mr P said "now explain to me, what exactly do you need help with?" Mr P asks. "Well it's kinda complicated but I'll explain, Russo, Dj and I were infected by the piggy virus if that's what you wanna call it and Peggy over here did save us from it with a potion but we are still experiencing after effects even if you snuck a potion into the studio for us" Sabrina explains "well to help you it's complicated as well because I only really know that you can solve things with a potion" Mr P said. "But Mr P I took your one potion and I'm still experiencing after effects and side effects from the potion sometimes, it made my arm go out of control and I hurt Dj" Sabrina explains "oh- that's never happened before in my animal experiments but I can try to help you guys" Mr P said. "How exactly will you help us?" Sabrina asks "I mean I have this cream that I've been making for the black arm thing and the rest of the stuff should eventually fade away with rest, wanna try the cream?" Mr P asks "sure, hopefully it helps" Sabrina said and then Mr P leads her into this room with containers full of the cream and Mr P puts some of the cream on her black arm and it burns when he puts it on but her black arm starts to dissipate and it goes back to her normal skin tone. "Mr P, it worked!" Sabrina said "I didn't expect it to work so quickly, but here take some for your friends" Mr P said, he gave Sabrina a container with the cream in it. Sabrina gives Mr P the photo with the wedding ring that was attached with string on it "she even included her wedding ring, she must really care" Mr P said smiling "yeah she does care, she misses you" Sabrina said "I'm glad she cares, also this note will really help me find her, thank you! I'm also really sorry for shooting at you I didn't really know what you were even here for" Mr P said "it's ok Mr P we forgive you, thanks so much for your help, we gotta be on our way now" Sabrina said "I gotta be on my search for Mrs P, also no problem and farewell" Mr P said and then Sabrina reunited with the others. "Sabrina your arm" Peggy said "I know, it's gone, it burns a little but I should probably put aloe on it which is at the studio" Sabrina said "yeah I agree you should" Peggy said "Rose let me put some on you" Sabrina said and Rose holds out her arm and a minute after her arm feels way better "Mr P is a genius! I mean it does burn a little but I'll do what your doing" Rose said "yeah, now let's go back to our cars" Sabrina said "yeah" Rose said and that's just what they did. When Sabrina got back to her car she knocked loudly on the door and Russo woke right up to unlock the door, Dj was still passed out in the back of the car, Sabrina woke him up and Russo went back into the back of the car. Devoun sits next to Sabrina like he always did and Russo and Dj sit by each other in the back "did you take care of Gorg pag?" Devoun said
"Of course we did, he fell asleep as well" Russo said, he picks Gorg up and hands him to Devoun "thank you for taking care of him for me, it was dangerous in there for him with all the machinery and ptsd" Devoun said "yeah I'm sure it was" Russo said and they all put there seatbelts on like they always do and started to drive back to the studio, Dj falls asleep on Russo's shoulder again, Russo rolls his eyes because he's annoyed at Dj for doing this again but he doesn't mind it at all really because Dj is his friend after all and he cares about Dj. After an hour they get back to the studio,"wow that was quite the adventure" Russo said, he shook Dj off of his shoulder and Dj woke up "hey! What was that for?!" Dj said "well we are here at the studio now and you were still asleep on my shoulder so I woke you up" Russo said "I'll be honest, I'm mad but thank you for waking me" Dj said "no problem" Russo said with a subtle laugh. They then got out of the car and walked to the studio door and went inside the room with the merch, the car with Peggy's crew then got here and also went to the merch room "so Sabrina, what did Mr P give you?" Russo asked "well he said that everything else would eventually go away with rest and care but he gave me this cream that will help your arms, here let me put some on you" Sabrina said and that's just what she did and it had the same effect on them as it did to her, the black dissipated and turned into their normal skin tone again. "Ouch it burns but can you grab some aloe from the first aid cabinet Sabrina?" Russo asked and that's just what she did, she grabbed the aloe and puts it on her own arm and then follows with Dj and Russo's arms and they all felt much better, they then sat on the couch with the rest of the group and chatted for a while.

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